A happy and safe Christmas to all

Well, it’s been such a frantic time leading up to Christmas that I didn’t even have the time and energy to write a Christmas post!  So here it is, belatedly …

Firstly, thank you to all of the wonderful women I have met this year and who’s company I have been so lucky to share.  It has been a really good year in many ways and only seems to be getting better even as it draws to a close.

I have so many memories of happy, joyful, tearful, and ecstatic encounters from this year.  It has been such a wonderful year of learning, giving, and receiving.  I really don’t know where to start to best describe it, other than perhaps to say that it has been one of the best years of my life, and certainly my best year working as a male escort.

So, to all of you out there who have booked a date, or sent me an email or a text, or posted a comment on my blog: thank you! Your trust and support allows me to keep doing what I love and providing a service that so many women have told me is valuable to them.

I hope that you all have a great Christmas and look forward to continuing the adventure in the new year!


Donations just keep coming

This is just a quick post to say thank you to the very generous ladies who have contributed donations to my fund to make my services more affordable for people with disabilities.

The total raised so far is $330, which is quite amazing for so short a time.  I am just $170 off my second $250 goal which will allow two people with disabilities to receive a discount on my service in the new year, so please keep the generosity flowing :-)

Thank you again to everyone who has donated!


Masterclass: giving great oral sex to men

Following on from my recent post Giving great oral sex to women I want to offer an equivalent for wome.  So I am pleased to announce that from the new year (2012) I will be offering a Masterclass for women to teach the practicalities of giving great oral sex to men.

No-one is bourne knowing how to give a great blowjob.  It’s something that you need to learn.  How robust is a man’s penis?  How hard can you squeeze it?  Will it hurt to bend it?  What about pulling it down?  Should I use my teeth or just my tounge?  And just what should and shouldn’t I do with his testicles?!

All these questions and more that you may or may not know the answer to will be covered.  And anything that you want to know I will be happy to answer.

This class involves nudity and practicing of oral sex
techniques as part of the process of instruction.

How does it work:

  • The class runs for two hours
  • Involves one to three women who want to learn how to give great oral sex to a man
  • Begins with basic anatomy (you have to know what the parts of a man’s genitals are to be able to give maximum pleasure)
  • Description and practice of basic techniques including:
    • Hand techniques
    • Lips, tongue, teeth, saliva
    • Lubrication
    • What to do with your other hand
    • How to position yourself
    • Two handed techniques
    • Levels of arousal and reading the signs
    • Using your whole body
    • Making him orgasm
    • How to avoid being caught unaware!
    • Don’t like to swallow?  Learn how to make it feel great anyway
    • What to do as and after he orgasms
    • Communication

Who can attend:

  • Any woman or couple who want to learn about giving great oral sex to men.

What does it cost:

  • $350 per person or couple for a private lesson
  • $220 per person or couple for a group lesson (up to three women or couples)

When can I do it:

  • There is no set schedule.  Just contact me when you are ready and arrange a time
  • If you are comfortable doing the class with other women or couples please let me know and I will try to arrange a time that suits everyone.

What should I bring:

  • A willingness to learn
  • Patience
  • An open mind

What should I leave behind:

  • Your inhibitions
  • Fear that you might fail – these techniques take time to learn.  You need to be prepared to practice to master them

An excellent view of the rain …

Having experienced a foot of snow in the Victorian high country in late December, I won’t say that this nasty weather so close to Christmas is unprecedented, but it is definitely disappointing!

For my part, I am sitting in a “panorama suit” at Rydges hotel in Rosehill listening to U2 and Talking Heads with an excellent view of the rain and cloud.  Not exactly what I had hoped for, but at least I don’t have to go anywhere in it today!

Stay safe and be careful on the roads out there.



Premature ejaculation and the problem with “medicalising” every little thing

Well, the rain has gone away and I now have a nicer view of the landscape.  One of the things that view revealed was this billboard …

You see them around the place in Sydney regularly if you get around the cities major roads like I do.

They annoy me disproportionately.  Mostly I think because they represent one of the fundamental failings that I think we have as a society when it comes to our sexuality (and our health in general).

Premature ejaculation (which I assume is the “illness” that these people are selling a treatment for) is a physical response to a mental state bought on by incorrect conditioning of young men as they become sexually aware.  It’s not a disease that you need to pop a pill for, or take an “oral strip”, or us a “nasal delivery system” to paint over the symptom without treating the underlying problem.

As I have stated before, I am not a doctor, have not training as such.  But I am quite sure on this topic that for most men with issues of premature ejaculation that chemicals are not an appropriate response.  Why?  Because it is something that I have personally experienced and have personally overcome.  For most men all it takes is a few weeks, to a few months of practice following a simple technique described by Dr Sy Silverberg MD.  A Canadian doctor and sex therapist.  You can see his website and buy his book here:


and you can also buy his book via Amazon:


Just about everything in our society is now viewed in terms of money and having to buy solutions to our problems (and yes I see the irony of me being upset about that!).  There are always things that will need to be bought, like houses, and mobile phones, but the ability to have sex for as long as you and your partner want to doesn’t need to one of them.

All it takes is some self discipline (to follow the technique), some assistance from a loving partner (to help you practice when the appropriate stage is reached) and you will be rid of premature ejaculation and all of the self doubt, guilt, and conflict that it can bring with it.

Ladies, if you have a partner with PE, then you can change his life for the better by encouraging and assisting him to work through this book’s technique.

Men, if you have PE you can improve your enjoyment and satisfaction with sex and that of your partner by getting a copy of this book and making time to re-learn your responses to your partner.

My personal experience was that it took me about two weeks of practice (twice a day) to break my problem with reaching orgasm too quickly.  And the best thing is that you can do it with without spending a cent on drugs or doctors.

Yes you have to pay for the book, but that’s a one time purchase, not a life time prescription.



Sweet Sybian Sydney – The inside story

Well, I attended my first Sweet Sybian Sydney party on Friday last week.  I have recieved a lot of email about Sweet Sybian Sydney since I blogged about it recently and I want to let everyone know that results.

The bottom line is … it was a fantastic party. If you are at all interested in the Sybian, then I highly recommend contacting Sweet Sybian Sydney, either for a private session, or to attend their next party (on the 21st of January).

So, what was the party like?

The venue is a very nice, well appointed unit in Artarmon, which is easy to get to, with plenty of parking available near by. There is a balcony available for smokers, plenty of food and drink and a relaxed and very positive, not sleazy at all atmosphere.

Sweet Sybian hosts Paul and Fleur are great.  They are really relaxed, considerate people, who look after their guest.  They gave a detailed demonstration (yes, a real demonstration by Fleur) of the Sybian to all guests before we were invited to try out the Sybian for ourselves.  This made setup and operation for each couple easy (and of course Fleur and Paul provided assistance if required).

Each machine is set up in its own room, with a bathroom available to each, so you can have complete privacy while you try it out.  If however you are more adventurous (as many couples were that night), you can leave the door open when you play with the Sybian to allow other couples to watch.

Each couple were given two half hour sessions with one of the two Sybians, let me just say that once you got set up and going, the time flew by!  You could spend a serious amount of time with one of these things.

Possibly the most important thing to know is that the machine itself (like any toy) takes time to get used to.  It has a lot of different covers (penetrating, or not, large, small, g-spot, deep, not deep).  You can adjust the height of the unit (low down, or up on a higher stand).  And you can adjust a component that causes more or less clitoral stimulation.

So be prepared to spend some time (and even a few sessions even) really getting to know how to set up a Sybian for yourself so that it gives you the maximum amount of pleasure.

Like with any sex toy thought there may be some women for whom the Sybian just doesn’t do it, but honestly, don’t let that worry stop you.  Even if it’s not the best sex toy for you, you would still have had fun on Friday night.

That said, once you have it set up, then the results can be really spectacular.  There were a lot of very happy ladies there at the end of the night!

Which brings me to another point. I think that one of the reasons that the party was so much fun was that the whole reason for everyone being there was the women and their pleasure. Not about their male partners.  All of us men were involved (and had a great time), but every single one of us was there not to please ourselves, but to do everything that we could to give our partners the best time possible.

For me, as someone who really cares about women, their pleasure, and their comfort, I can honestly say that the people who seem to be attracted to Sweet Sybian Sydney are thoughtful and considerate, open and easy to talk to and last but not least: really sexy.

That’s not to say that everyone was a super model, far from it, there was a full range of body types and ages. But I have always maintained that “sexy” is all about your mind, and the people I met on Friday night, possibly because of the comfortable, accepting, and open atmosphere, were all really, really sexy.

So, Sweet Sybian Sydney.  Just do it! It’s fun and safe, and even if you are nervous about being there in a group, I say it’s worth pushing yourself out of your comfort zone as it is an opportunity to experience something that you are unlikely to find anywhere else!


Donations sought to support sexual services for the disabled

Having had a number of dates now with women who I have met via the organisation People With Disbilities I would like to go a step further and make my service more affordable to these clients.

To this end my partner suggested that I ask for donations from you, my readers to a fund that would go toward reducing the price of my service for clients who have a serious disability.

  • I am seeking donations of any size (even a dollar is fine!)
  • From anyone who cares to donate, be they individuals, or organisations
  • You can make a donation in person, or to my bank account
  • All donation will be kept anonymous (unless you ask me otherwise)
  • All donations will be listed on my Donations page
  • All distributions of donated money will be listed anonymously on the donations page
  • Donations will be used to reduce the cost of my services by two thirds to people with serious disabilites
  • Donations will be distributed as soon as they reach a level that allows the next person on the list to recieve a discount, so my first target is $250

To donate or to register to recieve a reduced cost for my services:

I have started the fund off with a donation from myself and my partner of $100.  That means that we just need another $150 to reach the first goal and give someone who really deserves it the Christmas present of, well, me! So, drop me a line, or send me a text and give a few dollars.  As worthy causes go, it is one that very few people even know of, let alone care about.  People with disabilites deserve the oportunity to experience their sexuality, just like the rest of us!


Site error!

This is just a quick post to apologise to anyone who couldn’t get into my site yesterday.  I upgraded WordPress and failed to test the splash page.  The rest of the site worked fine, but it was locking new visitors out!

So, my apology if you couldn’t get in.


Movie – Whip It

Sitting here in my hotel catching up on email and other work and I see a preview for the movie Whip It.  I actually saw this movie on DVD a few months ago (before my local video hire shop went the way of the dodo).

Now given the themes of some of my recent posts I dare say you are expecting a bit of S&M here, but not at all.  In fact there is no sexual theme here at all.  Whip It is a movie about Roller Derby.  I love Roller Derby.

From the Whip It Wikipdeia entry:

Whip It is a 2009 comedy-drama film written by Shauna Cross, based on Cross’s novel Derby Girl. The film is directed by Drew Barrymore in her directorial debut. It stars Ellen Page as a teenager from a small town who joins a roller derby team.”

And if you are wondering what Roller Derby is …

Roller derby is a contact sport played by two teams of five members roller skating in the same direction around a track. Game play consists of a series of short matchups (“jams”) in which both teams designate a scoring player (the “jammer”) who scores points by lapping members of the opposing team. The teams attempt to assist their own jammer while hindering the opposing jammer —in effect playing both offense and defense simultaneously. Roller derby is played by more than 1,000 amateur leagues on every inhabited continent. [ed. – and is mostly a female dominated sport – go girls!]”

Also from Wikipedia!

Whip It was a lot of fun.  If you are looking for something to watch on one of these wet cold summer night, then I recommend Whip It!


Sweet Sybian Sydney – update

Sweet Sybian Sydney have just let me know that their next party will be on Saturday the 21st of January 2012. They may also be running another smaller more intimate party prior to then.

If you would like to go along then let me know and I can arrange it.  Don’t forget that if you book an overnight date then I will include a Sweety Sybian gift voucher if you would like to try it out.

For the full story on the Sybian, go here
