The joy of sext

I have read that Charlie Sheen once said on the topic of sex workers:

“I don’t pay them for sex. I pay them to leave.”

Personally I don’t understand this attitude (I also have a sneaking suspicion that it is tied up with a whole load of cultural/religious/moralistic baggage that stops us acting like adults and building real relationship with each other).

I expect that some of my clients like the fact that they can buy my time and attention as and when they want it. But my experience is that even this is far from the jaded attitude of Charlie Sheen and people who think like him.

My experience is that women and couples who employ me often enjoy being able to get more from a date with me than just “three hours from 7.00 to 10.00pm … And if I am honest, I would have to say that so do I.

I recently upgraded (thanks to a very generous friend) to a Samsung Galaxy S II smart phone

It’s an absolute powerhouse of a phone (Apple are right to be afraid of Samsung) and as I have learned to use it fully I am falling in love with smart phones and the possibilities that they offer for me and my clients!

“Sexting” has something of a bad reputation (for good reason – think before you sext people!). But the flip side is that sexting can be hugely erotic and entertaining (if you’re a responsible adult and you trust the person you’re messaging is responsible too).

What I have discovered is that sexting has become a kind of foreplay (and after-play) for many of my dates. We can take and send photos and video, chat, and generally tease and tempt each other in the lead up to a date to heighten the enjoyment, break down barriers of shyness and banish nerves as well. It’s not the same as the feel of skin on skin, but it is a great way to build the excitement and anticipation of what is to come.

Likewise it is a great way to make the date last longer. Some friends of mine coined the phrase “Post Escort Depression” or PED. It describes the potential “down” feelings that you can experience when something as exciting and nerveracking as a first experience with an escort is over. It’s kind of like that letdown feeling that you can get when Christmas is all done and you are left wishing that the good times could have lasted a little longer …

Well, a little chat, a little sexting, a little reminiscing over a shared experience can do wonders to relieve, or avoid a case of PED.

So, here’s my offer to you: feel free to text me any time to chat, whether you are a client or not, I am always happy to reply. My clients always have priority (and it may take me a while to reply occasionally), but I am happy to share myself if you feel like chatting to get to know me better, or even something more sexy.


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