Sweet Sybian Sydney party number two

I attended my second Sweet Sybian Sydney party on Friday night and wanted to give a report here.  Some times when you have a good experience in a situation like this you worry that it may have just been a one off.  A lucky coincidence of the right people at the right time and place.  So I was looking forward to the party, but a little concerned that perhaps it wouldn’t live up to the very high expectations that my first experience had created.

The result though I can say without hesitation was really good.  It was a very different crowd this time (as many of the people I met in December are currently away on holidays) and the average age was also younger.  This created a different dynamic to the evening (with only me and my partner for the night doing an “open door” session for others to watch).

But the night was still very enjoyable and we met a lot of new and interesting people and had a great time.  Once again the atmosphere was absolutely positive and very supportive of the pleasure and comfort of the women who attended – just like last time.  And definitely non-sleazy

My partner for the night wasn’t thrilled with the effects of the Sybian last time, but we put that down to the fact that it was the first time for both of us and just went along to try again and enjoy the night.  The result though this time (with the addition of a mains powered Hitachi “ball” vibrator) was fantastic.  We only had one session with the Sybian due to the first one (and the play that followed it) just being so overwhelming for my partner that there wasn’t a need for a second round.

So, once again, well done Phil and Fleur, you host a great party (with excellent food and drink I might add) and I highly recommend anyone who is curious to book in for the next party (to be held on March 23rd).  You may learn something about yourself and your body.  And you will definitely have fun!

Go here: http://sweetsybiansydney.blogspot.com/ to book.


Sweet Sybian Sydney – The inside story

Well, I attended my first Sweet Sybian Sydney party on Friday last week.  I have recieved a lot of email about Sweet Sybian Sydney since I blogged about it recently and I want to let everyone know that results.

The bottom line is … it was a fantastic party. If you are at all interested in the Sybian, then I highly recommend contacting Sweet Sybian Sydney, either for a private session, or to attend their next party (on the 21st of January).

So, what was the party like?

The venue is a very nice, well appointed unit in Artarmon, which is easy to get to, with plenty of parking available near by. There is a balcony available for smokers, plenty of food and drink and a relaxed and very positive, not sleazy at all atmosphere.

Sweet Sybian hosts Paul and Fleur are great.  They are really relaxed, considerate people, who look after their guest.  They gave a detailed demonstration (yes, a real demonstration by Fleur) of the Sybian to all guests before we were invited to try out the Sybian for ourselves.  This made setup and operation for each couple easy (and of course Fleur and Paul provided assistance if required).

Each machine is set up in its own room, with a bathroom available to each, so you can have complete privacy while you try it out.  If however you are more adventurous (as many couples were that night), you can leave the door open when you play with the Sybian to allow other couples to watch.

Each couple were given two half hour sessions with one of the two Sybians, let me just say that once you got set up and going, the time flew by!  You could spend a serious amount of time with one of these things.

Possibly the most important thing to know is that the machine itself (like any toy) takes time to get used to.  It has a lot of different covers (penetrating, or not, large, small, g-spot, deep, not deep).  You can adjust the height of the unit (low down, or up on a higher stand).  And you can adjust a component that causes more or less clitoral stimulation.

So be prepared to spend some time (and even a few sessions even) really getting to know how to set up a Sybian for yourself so that it gives you the maximum amount of pleasure.

Like with any sex toy thought there may be some women for whom the Sybian just doesn’t do it, but honestly, don’t let that worry stop you.  Even if it’s not the best sex toy for you, you would still have had fun on Friday night.

That said, once you have it set up, then the results can be really spectacular.  There were a lot of very happy ladies there at the end of the night!

Which brings me to another point. I think that one of the reasons that the party was so much fun was that the whole reason for everyone being there was the women and their pleasure. Not about their male partners.  All of us men were involved (and had a great time), but every single one of us was there not to please ourselves, but to do everything that we could to give our partners the best time possible.

For me, as someone who really cares about women, their pleasure, and their comfort, I can honestly say that the people who seem to be attracted to Sweet Sybian Sydney are thoughtful and considerate, open and easy to talk to and last but not least: really sexy.

That’s not to say that everyone was a super model, far from it, there was a full range of body types and ages. But I have always maintained that “sexy” is all about your mind, and the people I met on Friday night, possibly because of the comfortable, accepting, and open atmosphere, were all really, really sexy.

So, Sweet Sybian Sydney.  Just do it! It’s fun and safe, and even if you are nervous about being there in a group, I say it’s worth pushing yourself out of your comfort zone as it is an opportunity to experience something that you are unlikely to find anywhere else!


Sweet Sybian Sydney – update

Sweet Sybian Sydney have just let me know that their next party will be on Saturday the 21st of January 2012. They may also be running another smaller more intimate party prior to then.

If you would like to go along then let me know and I can arrange it.  Don’t forget that if you book an overnight date then I will include a Sweety Sybian gift voucher if you would like to try it out.

For the full story on the Sybian, go here


Sexpo 3 – Lucid Dream vibrator from Doc Johnson

About half of everything sold at Sexpo is probably a vibrator of some kind.  I bought a couple to give away.  The first one is the Lucid Dream No. 14 by Doc Johnson.

I was drawn to it for two reasons: the size and the shape.  Many women I know enjoy penetration and this vibrator, at 9.5 inches long is a good size for that.  It’s shape, as you can see looks like it would work well for g-spot stimulation.  And the location of the vibrating bullet means that you would get plenty of powerful stimulation, whether you used it on your clit, or to target your g-spot inside.

The demo unit I played with proved that the vibration is quite strong (for a battery operated unit) and it was relatively quiet too.

The unit is phthalate free and interestingly it claims to be waterproof.  This open up a whole new area for fun in the shower, or bath …

The manufacturers product page can be found here:


So, I have one Lucid Dream No. 14 and a bottle of Swiss Navy natural lube to go with it to give away to the next person to book an overnight date.


Sunday afternoon fun – Improv. sex swing

It’s a lazy Sunday afternoon with nothing much to do, so how better to spend it than whipping up an improvised sex swing and having some fun?

Now, if you have no idea of what a sex swing is, it is usually a set of straps or ropes, designed to be suspended from the cieling that hold one partner suspended comfortably off the floor and exposed and positioned for the other partner to administer some serious pleasure.  If your still wondering what I am talking about, then check out this Google image search on sex swing.

If your not handy with tools and don’t have a climbing harness laying around then you can always buy a commercial sex swing.  I came across this one:


quite a good looking sex swing for just under $200.

So, what can you do with a sex swing?

It’s great for giving oral sex to a partner, as they are raised up (in our case, above the bed) allowing easy access without straining your neck or cramping your legs.  It also creates interesting tensions in your body for the person who is suspended which can enhance orgasm.

It’s interesting for penetration, since you can create the strong sensations of thrusting sex with out even having to move, just some very gentle pushing to set up a rythmic swinging motion which does all of the work for you.  Very different to regular sex for both partners.

If you are a voyeur or an exhibitionist then a a sex swing will be right up your alley (so to speak!) as it gives you a great view of your suspended partner.

Ultimately a sex swing is just plain fun.  It’s like nothing you have done before and I highly recommend giving it a try one day!


The Sybian

Some years ago I came across what was and I think still is considered the ultimate vibrating sex toy for women: The Sybian.

A Sybian (on the right) with accessories and attachments

A Sybian (on the right) with accessories and attachments

This is a Sybian. It’s designed to be sat upon (with your choice of attachment for penetration, or not).  And it has a remote control unit for vibration speed/power.

A woman can use the Sybian on her own, or with the soft cover without the penetration insert (bottom centre in the photo) then it is possible for a couple to have sex doggy style while she receives strong clitoral stimulation.

I mentioned the Sybian to a client the other day (hi Rachael!) and she came across a relatively new site through Google of a Sydney based company that offers Sybian parties and hire.

You can see their site here:


Sweet Sybian Sydney run parties just for women and also for couples to try out a Sybian.
