G-Spot non-sense

In line with the commercial worlds love of turning every little thing into a “problem” to be commercialised and exploited we now have g-spot collagen injections:


There were two things that caught my eye about this article (that basically sounded like bull-shit – pardon my language!).

‘I attended a consultation, where Professor Dartey explained that injecting collagen into my normal, pea-sized G-spot would enlarge it for up to four months. The results would mean longer, more intense orgasms.’

In my experience a woman’s g-spot is actually quite large.  The area on the front wall of the vagina that we call the g-spot is most definitely not the size of a pea.  It is actually more like the size of the end of you thumb.  It’s an area that when stimulated enlarges and feels pleasurable.  But it does take sustained effort of stimulation and genuine arousal for it to really start feeling good.  It also take practice to learn to really enjoy the sensation and for it to become part of your arousal to orgasm.  So instantly getting long intense orgasms from a collagen injection seems unlikely to me.  Continue reading


If I had to choose, then I would always choose summer over winter.  Warmth, light, longer days.  It’s just good to be alive in summer.  So as the weather has warmed up I have been building up a new exercise regime.  A big part of it is cycling.  I have been an avid cyclist and triathlete for much of my life, but as life goes on work and other things tend to get in the way.  Not to mention the fact that in the 25 years that I have been cycling seriously on the road, the levels of traffic have increased hugely.  So there have been plenty of disincentives to pulling on the skin suit and cranking out some miles.

One of the (many) good things about living where I now do (at Sydney Olympic Park) is the great roads and relatively small amounts of traffic.

So today I hopped on my (push) bike and did a couple of laps of the village.  I have no idea what the distance was, or how fast I did it, but I certainly enjoyed getting out in the fresh air and pushing myself physically.

Cycling is great exercise, it’s low impact and high intensity cardiovascular.  It’s also perfect for doing High Intensity Interval Training (HIIT).  From the Wikipedia article:

an exercise strategy alternating periods of short intense anaerobic exercise with less-intense recovery periods. HIIT is a form of cardiovascular exercise. Usual HIIT sessions may vary from 9–20 minutes. These short, intense workouts provide improved athletic capacity and condition, improved glucose metabolism, and improved fat burning.

My partner has used HIIT with great success to lose over 20 kgs.  And while I don’t need to lose weight particularly, I will most certainly benefit from keeping my heart and lungs in great shape.

So, I am now relaxing in that delicious afterglow that only comes from full exertion.  Feeling alive and potent and full of potential!


Laser hair removal

A couple of weeks ago I decided to shave myself below the waist line (no not the legs – mine are already naturally almost hair free).  It’s almost the norm of course for women to do this, but most guys don’t give it much though.  I haven’t for many years, but decided it was time for something different.

The results of more smooth skin available to be touched was in a word fabulous for me and generated significant complements too!  So all in all it was a positive change.  Then the re-growth, itching, and ingrown hairs began.  I hadn’t forgotten about this, but it focused my attention.  The new style was such a success that I want to keep it, so the logical solution was to get serious and make it “permanent” with laser removal.

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A male contaceptive pill …

The Sydney Morning Herald has an article that caught my eye online today:


At first glance I thought “wow, that’s great”.  But on reflection I am not so sure that the statement in the article:

hormone-free contraceptive drugs for men have been elusive, contributing to high rates of unplanned pregnancies across the world, especially among teenagers.

is accurate or useful.  It implies that if a male contraceptive drug is available then the rates of unwanted pregnancies across the world would drop significantly (especially among teenagers).

Why?  Well, there exists now in the world a form of male contraception that is very cheap, very reliable, widely available, can be used at a moments notice, can be stored for long periods, requires no prescription, is immediately reversible and also protects against the majority of STIs.

It’s called a condom.  And if used consistently and with just a little bit of care, then it is very, very effective.  I know this from personal experience.

So, condoms are easy to use, readily available etc etc.  And yet women have unplanned pregnancies.  How is a male pill, that will require (I assume, since it’s not stated in the article), regular doses, a trip to the doctor for prescriptions, and (lets not forget) honesty of the part of the male going to increase the likelihood of effective contraception?

Frankly I can’t see how.  My guess is that the results will be quite the opposite.  I can hear the refrain now … “don’t worry darling, I’m on the pill, it will be fine”.

I would expect an increase in unplanned pregnancies, as well as a rise in the incidence of STIs.

Lets face it, there is very little incentive for men to care about contraception outside of a stable relationship.  This news makes me think that the money spent on the research would be better spent on education.


Life is more fun when you’re fit and healthy

There is no denying that life is more fun when we are fit and healthy.  You feel good, you feel virtuous, you can do the things you want to do.  And it makes sex and relationships better.

The list goes on and on.  Sadly, the society that we live in makes it ever harder to look after our diet and exercise needs; putting tempting foods, and longer working hours in our way every day.

My whole life I have been an active person.  I played hockey from age seven and have never looked back: cross-country running, skiing, cycling, swimming, triathlon, sailing, rock climbing and more.  Exercise and a good diet have become the habits of a lifetime for me.

I get out to exercise most days, but usually I am doing it alone.  So, here’s my offer:

Would you like to be a fitter, healthier version of yourself and have fun doing it?  Then employ me as your personal trainer+.

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Xplore Festival Sydney

Today I am attending the second day of the Xplore Festival. Its been a lot of fun so far, but I was dissapointed to miss the first day.

So far today I have done a workshop on Dirty Talk. Very entertaining, and gave me lots to think about.

The second session was on Domination and Submission and Tantra. I dont get into spirituality, but the breathing and connecting with another person was good.


More women opt for genital plastic surgury

Stories come up in the media from time to time about women having genital (cosmetic) plastic surgery and I am always left feeling really sad by them.  Take this example from the Sydney Morning Herald:


The second paragraph was what really surprised me:

The biggest increase in vaginoplasty and labioplasty has been among teenagers and those in their early 20s.

Teenage women (girls as young as 15 the article goes on to say) having labioplasty? (A procedure where a portion of the inner labia are cut off to make them protrude less).  What on earth is going on?

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Sex is not a weapon – or – make love not war on women …

I have (thanks to parents who taught me about right and wrong, and equality) always seen and treated women as my equals.  Not as better, not as inferior.  We are all human, different in some ways (defined by our DNA and body chemistry), but always deserving of respect and fair treatment.

So it’s sad to me to come across articles like this one “Why Women Still Can’t Enjoy Sex” from Fairfax’s Daily Life:


The article itself makes good points about how both men and women shame women for wanting / having / enjoying sex (and lets not even start on being a sex worker).  Which all reminds me of my recent blog post about a new book by Jacqueline Hellyer on having better sex.

The world conspires against women (and men too) having good sex.  It’s insidious and it’s really detrimental to our relationship and to our happiness.

The answer is to allow sex and sexuality to be a part of our lives (whether you want it personally or not), not to relegate it to the back room, or use it as a stick to beat others with.  Lets talk about sex, have sex, and live sexual lives, rather than give in to the people who fear and hate sex and all of the joy that it can bring to our lives.


What good sex does for us

To be a happy healthy person you need balance in your life.  Good food in moderation, exercise, companionship, challenges, and yes sex.

Our society is very good at telling us that we need to exercise more, eat better etc.  But sadly there is no-one talking about the role that sexuality can play in improving out lives.  It’s treated by most people as something that happens to some people and (if they are lucky) it’s good.

I have come to realise though that regular sex and sexual play can drastically alter a person’s personality and life in a positive way!  We have all seen it, or experienced it ourselves at one time or another, a workmate or friend turning up with that rosy cheeked look and a smile that just screams “I’ve been having really good sex”.  We treat that though as just a passing thing.  It’s a new relationship, or some life change means that you are having more sex with your partner.  And for a while the world is a rosy place and you are chilled out and happy.  But then the gloss wears off, things get dull, and sex goes back to being ho-hum, or absent.

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Premature ejaculation and the problem with “medicalising” every little thing

Well, the rain has gone away and I now have a nicer view of the landscape.  One of the things that view revealed was this billboard …

You see them around the place in Sydney regularly if you get around the cities major roads like I do.

They annoy me disproportionately.  Mostly I think because they represent one of the fundamental failings that I think we have as a society when it comes to our sexuality (and our health in general).

Premature ejaculation (which I assume is the “illness” that these people are selling a treatment for) is a physical response to a mental state bought on by incorrect conditioning of young men as they become sexually aware.  It’s not a disease that you need to pop a pill for, or take an “oral strip”, or us a “nasal delivery system” to paint over the symptom without treating the underlying problem.

As I have stated before, I am not a doctor, have not training as such.  But I am quite sure on this topic that for most men with issues of premature ejaculation that chemicals are not an appropriate response.  Why?  Because it is something that I have personally experienced and have personally overcome.  For most men all it takes is a few weeks, to a few months of practice following a simple technique described by Dr Sy Silverberg MD.  A Canadian doctor and sex therapist.  You can see his website and buy his book here:


and you can also buy his book via Amazon:


Just about everything in our society is now viewed in terms of money and having to buy solutions to our problems (and yes I see the irony of me being upset about that!).  There are always things that will need to be bought, like houses, and mobile phones, but the ability to have sex for as long as you and your partner want to doesn’t need to one of them.

All it takes is some self discipline (to follow the technique), some assistance from a loving partner (to help you practice when the appropriate stage is reached) and you will be rid of premature ejaculation and all of the self doubt, guilt, and conflict that it can bring with it.

Ladies, if you have a partner with PE, then you can change his life for the better by encouraging and assisting him to work through this book’s technique.

Men, if you have PE you can improve your enjoyment and satisfaction with sex and that of your partner by getting a copy of this book and making time to re-learn your responses to your partner.

My personal experience was that it took me about two weeks of practice (twice a day) to break my problem with reaching orgasm too quickly.  And the best thing is that you can do it with without spending a cent on drugs or doctors.

Yes you have to pay for the book, but that’s a one time purchase, not a life time prescription.
