It’s good to be home!

It’s been 18 wonderful day, over 30,000 kms flying, 1,400 kms driving, four AirBNBs, two hotel, 3,600+ photos, five nights sighting the aurora, more amazing scenery than you can poke a stick at – and around 60 cups of tea – but I’m back in Australia and available for your pleasure!

I have been incredibly lucky to travel to some of the most amazing and beautiful places in the world with my clients over the years and this trip was no exception.

If you have a special destination – whether it’s in Australia, or overseas – that you have always wanted to visit, but don’t want to go alone then it would be my pleasure to accompany you.

If you are keen on sight seeing then I can be your companion and personal photographer (including a photo book of the trip, a framed print of your favourite image, and electronic copies of all of our photos to display in a digital photo frame). Or perhaps you just want to go to a destination and relax with good food, massage, conversation, and company.  I can accommodate whatever you desire.

I book up to three trips a year, so if you are thinking of travelling with me then drop me a line with your proposed dates and destination and we can work out a travel plan.

You can see more about traveling with me including my rates on my Travel Page.


All stocked up

I like to buy in bulk and SWOP came through once again. That’s 144 x 4 condoms! Should keep things ticking along for a good while.

I will note that I had a moments panic when I saw the colour – seems that Lifestyles have changed their packaging! Thankfully they are still the same product though.


The weather may be weird, but it’s nice to see the sun again!

For those of us living in South Eastern Australia I expect that I speak for you too when I say: how good is it to have sunshine again?!  Even better that it’s not blowing a gale and the rain has finally stopped.  I expect that in a few weeks time – if this trend continues as it’s predicted to – we’ll all be starting to look around and worry about when it’s going to rain again, but for now it’s a wonderful relief.

More seriously though Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing.  It results from spending an extended time without enough sunlight, leading to changes in the production of melatonin and serotonin, and also disruption of one’s body clock.

I think it’s fair to say that the winter here in South Eastern Australia in 2024 has been pretty unpleasant by our standards (thank you climate change) and it’s been affecting most people.

However – now we have sunshine and an absolutely stunning Sydney day on the way.  I hope you are enjoying some great weather wherever you are – and if you’re not, then you are always welcome to visit me and we can


The perfect way to end a delightful night!

If you are thinking of booking an overnight date with me then consider extending things a little in the morning and indulging in breakfast by the harbour! With spring arriving it’s the perfect weather for breakfast at a nice cafe with a stunning view.

If you have been thinking about an overnight booking then I have a free Saturday night on 7th of September.

Hilary Caldwell, sex work, research, and her book about reclaiming your sexuality

I’ve known Hillary Caldwell for a few years now and am proud to have participated in her research. I’m happy that I was able to contribute in a small way to her writing. She has recently published a book

Slutdom: Reclaiming Shame-free Sexuality.

When women are enjoying better sex, the people they have sex with will too. Sexual equality is good for everyone.’

Despite decades of activism, women are still burdened with the effects of slut shaming in everyday life. Finally, there is a book that argues convincingly and passionately for women’s enjoyment of sex as a force to advance gender equality.

Delving into topics such as pleasure, pain, empowerment, and including real women’s stories and saucy tips, sexologist and academic Hilary Caldwell is uniquely placed to understand what women want – and, importantly, what women deserve.

Deeply researched and drawn from the author’s own life experience, Slutdom is controversial, celebratory and courageous.

For anyone struggling with their sexuality and trying to find a way to be happy and whole with it I think this is worth a read.

Sex work, disability, and the NDIS – again…

13 years ago a young woman with cerebral palsy contacted me. She had never had sex before and wanted to try it with me because she felt that seeing a sex worker would be safe and give her control over the encounter.

She has continued to see me every month since then and is to this day my longest standing client. Being able to see me regularly is an important part of her well being and enjoyment of life. We literally have more sex than many married couples!

She is in the very lucky position of being able to afford to see a sex worker regularly. Many if not most people with a disability are not. That’s where the National Disability Insurance Scheme has been very helpful for some people with disabilities. It has given them the financial ability to pay for sex that they otherwise would be unable to have.

And now we have this from NDIS minister Bill Shorten:

“Sex work will be banned from being funded through the National Disability Insurance Scheme under NDIS Minister Bill Shorten’s planned reforms, the minister has confirmed.

The decision to exclude sex work has prompted deep concern from the disability sector, who warn it will rob participants of free choice, and could be a sign of a broader tightening on what participants can access.

On Sunday, Mr Shorten told Sky News he intended to change the rules.

“We will rule it out, yeah, we will rule it out. It’s just not a sustainable proposition, it doesn’t pass the test, does it,” Mr Shorten said.

“The reality is I’ve got one or two examples I’m aware of that it’s ever happened, ever. So it’s not what’s happening in most of the scheme.”

Specialised sex services have been available through the NDIS since 2020 when the federal court ruled in a legal challenge that the National Disability Insurance Agency should approve those services where deemed reasonable and necessary.”

I expect this sort of unsympathetic nickle-and-diming of government spending from the LNP, but hearing this from a Labor minister is extremely depressing. Shorten’s quote to Sky News doesn’t even make any sense…

“We will rule it out, yeah, we will rule it out. It’s just not a sustainable proposition, it doesn’t pass the test, does it,” Mr Shorten said.

“The reality is I’ve got one or two examples I’m aware of that it’s ever happened, ever. So it’s not what’s happening in most of the scheme.”

If there are really only “one or two examples” of people using NDIS funds to access sex work services then it’s hardly a burden on society. But he also said “It’s just not a sustainable proposition”.

An “unstainable proposition” how Mr Shorten? Financially? You just said that almost no-one uses it, so that doesn’t make sense.

Did he mean it’s a “[morally] unsustainable proposition”? If so does that mean that the federal Labor government is planning to ban all sex work? Or is it just “morally unsustainable” for people with a disability to be enabled to experience sex – like every able bodied person in the community (which is literally the purpose of the NDIS – to enable people with disabilities to be able to live their lives as normally as possible).

I just don’t understand where this coming from. I absolutely expect these sorts of prudish, mean spirited decisions from an LNP government, but Labor knows better and should do better.

It’s a sad day. People with disabilities deserve sex too.
