Good evening from the land of nod …

When I wrote the title to this post it was just a throwaway line because I am feeling a bit sleepy.  However I decided to Google the term out of curiosity, just to see if anything interesting came up.  The first hit was the Wikipedia reference …

I have to say, I had no idea that The Land of Nod (according to religious tales) is actually on the east of Eden.  Or a small hamlet in the East Riding of Yorkshire in the UK …

The things that you can learn on the Internet!

Well, I hope that everyone has been staying out of the rain and having a good week.  I am off to Melbourne on Saturday, so if you are dropping in to Sexpo in the afternoon, then you might spot me there!  If so, give me a wink, or say hello if your feeling brave!


Masterclass: giving great oral sex to women

Really good oral sex is great for women, and it’s the easiest way for a man to give his partner an orgasm.  Personally I love to give oral sex and I find that giving serious pleasure to my partner is enjoyable for me too.  It’s satisfying and rewarding beyond description to me when my partner reaches orgasm and I feel the waves of her pleasure pulse through her body beneath my tongue and hands.

Sadly not all men know how to do what their partners need to bring them to orgasm.  And it is a skill that has to be learned and practiced. No-one is born with it.

I have spent most of my adult life learning the techniques that I know, learning to read the signs that a woman is enjoying what I am doing with her, and finding new ways to give pleasure.

If you and your partner want to learn my techniques, then join my Master Class: Giving great oral sex to women.

This class involves being nude and the female partner receiving
oral sex from me and her partner as part of the process of instruction.

How does it work:

  • The class runs for two hours
  • Involves one or more couples
  • Begins with basic anatomy (you have to know what the parts of a woman’s genitals are to be able to give maximum pleasure)
  • Description of basic techniques
  • Demonstration of basic techniques (so she knows what you should be doing and you get to see it being done)
  • Practice (with my guidance).

Who can attend:

  • Any couple who want to learn about giving great oral sex to women.

What does it cost:

  • $350 per couple (if just one couple attends)
  • $200 per couple (for two or more couples at the same time).

When can we do it:

  • There is no set schedule.  Just contact me when you are ready and arrange a time
  • If you are comfortable doing the class with another couple please let me know and I will try to arrange a time that suits everyone.

What should we bring:

  • A willingness to learn
  • Patience
  • An open mind

What should we leave behind:

  • Your inhibitions – this class is not for men with issues of possesiveness.  If you are going to learn, then I have to be able to show you what to do, which means finding out what your partner enjoys and demonstrating it with her to you.  If either of you can’t handle that, then this class is not for you
  • Fear that you might fail – these techniques take time to learn.  You need to be prepared to practice and fail and practice again.  I have spent years learning my techniques and I am still learning now
  • An expection that you will be perfect in two hours – see above

Bed time stories for very naughty girls – Fanny Hill – Episode 1

As promised I have started recording Fanny Hill from the beginning.  I will apologise for the less than perfect rendition, I am still finding my stride when it comes to reading out loud, and to correctly interpreting some of the more arcane aspects of Victorian language and phraseology!

In case you missed my first Podcast post here is some background information …

Fanny Hill by John Cleland – a piece of erotic fiction written in 1748.

Scene from chapter eight of Fanny Hill

Scene from chapter eight of Fanny Hill

From the Wikipedia entry for Fanny Hill:

Memoirs of a Woman of Pleasure (popularly known as Fanny Hill) is an erotic novel by John Cleland first published in England in 1748. Written while the author was in debtor’s prison in London, it is considered “the first original English prose pornography, and the first pornography to use the form of the novel.” One of the most prosecuted and banned books in history”

How could I resist?

It seemed like a great way to let you hear my voice, and if you like it enough (please let me know with a comment below!), then I may just podcast the entire story.

Fanny Hill – Episode 1 – M4A format for iPhone, iPod etc


Fanny Hill – Episode 1 – MP3 format for other devices

You can subscribe to my podcast feed here:


Shortbus – (erotic) movie review

On the recommendation of a friend (thanks M!) I bought a copy of the movie Shortbus by John Cameron Mitchell last week (on eBay).  It arrived in the mail today, so I sat down with my partner after lunch to watch it.

Shortbus is rated 18+, it is a funny, entertaining movie about a couples councilor and her husband, a gay couple, a dominatrix, a voyeur, and the former major of New York!  It also has more actual real sex (straight, gay, lesbian, masturbation, domination and more) than I have ever seen outside of something rated XXX.

It’s not a movie of sex with a storyline thrown in as an excuse for the sex.  It’s a well written, directed, and produced movie that doesn’t just fade to black when people do what they actually do in real life.  And that, for me, makes the sex even more interesting.

It left us both thinking about sex and sexuality, about how people relate to each other, and how they love and fuck.  It is a great story and worth watching.

If you would like to borrow my copy of Shortbus, just drop me an email and I will see if I can send it to you.  Otherwise you can get your own on eBay for $25 or so.  It’s worth having in your (private) DVD library!


Prostate cancer and the pill …

There is no denying that the contraceptive pill has been a huge boon to women, finally giving them reliable control over their fertility.  It seems though that there may be an unexpected price to be paid.

New Scientist has an article here:

Discussing a recent study that has showed a correlation between use of the contraceptive pill by women and increased incidences of prostate cancer in men in the same countries.

The reason for the correlation isn’t clear at all, but the researchers did have this to say:

“One hypothesis is that the level of pill use in a population gives an indication of the amount of sexual activity, which has previously been linked to prostate cancer (Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200201000-00012). But Margel and Fleshner didn’t find a correlation between prostate cancer and the use of other contraceptives such as condoms or vaginal barriers, which might also indicate levels of sexual activity.

The pair favours a different hypothesis. They think that the oestrogen-like chemicals which are by-products of metabolism of the pill pass into the urine and ultimately make their way into the water supply.”

Now as a man, I have to say that is just a little bit scary.  Thankfully the majority of the water that I drink is rain water that I catch myself.  This is far from perfect, but it does means that I won’t be increasing my risk of prostate cancer in that way.

This leads me to my main point: I have never liked the idea of women having to take the pill any more than they absolutely need to.  I also know a number of women for whom the pill has nasty side effects.

So, when my partner and I decided some time ago that we didn’t want to have children, my response was to have a vasectomy.  It was quick, simple (done under local anaesthetic), basically painless and completely effective.  It is also much safer than a tubal ligation for a woman – which is a fairly major piece of surgery.

I am told however that many men don’t like the idea.  Well guys, if you have a family and aren’t planning on more children, then here’s a good reason to have The Snip.  If it means that your partner gets to go off the pill, then I am guessing that we could dramatically reduce the consumption of the pill and therefore reduce the oestrogen-like chemicals in our water supply.

Most men love sex and require it in their relationship.  If that’s the case then we should be taking more of the responsibility for contraception in our relationships.  And perhaps doing ourselves a favour into the bargain.


The science of female orgasm

While browsing New Scientist on-line today I came across two articles about scientific study of female orgasm.  Links below:

There isn’t anything startlingly revelatory in either, but it does make for interesting reading.

For instance, fMRI scans have shown that for some women, stimulation of their nipples causes a response in their brain in the same area that vaginal stimulation activates.  As mentioned in the article, to female researchers this is completely obvious.  However male researchers were surprised (which frankly is not surprising).

One of the main findings is summed up here:

“During orgasm, almost the whole brain becomes highly active”

This is interesting, as it matches what I have been told by women: that during an intense orgasm they are totally transported out of the “here and now”.  It also explains perhaps why, if your mind is being distracted by other things, or not entirely engaged with the experience that it is so hard to achieve orgasm.

If you are interested in the science of orgasm, then these articles are worth a look.


A web masters work is never done …

Just a quick one to say that if you have been trying to access my sexuality articles which are listed in the drop down menu at the top from a smart phone or similar and have been having trouble using the links, that I have now put links to all of the articles in the main Sexuality page (thanks Rachael for pointing out that problem).

I have also fixed the broken link to the We-Vibe sex toy review.


The Boathouse

I had the pleasure this weekend of visiting The Boathouse on Blackwattle Bay for dinner.

Anzac Bridge at sunset ...

The ideal way to get to The Boathouse is by water taxi.  You approach from under Anzac Bridge and the taxi drops you a short distance along the waterfront from the restaurant.

It’s a great location looking out over the water back to the city, especially on a warm evening like last night.

Looking passed The Boathouse toward the city

As you might expect The Boathouse specialises in seafood.  They have a great menu and I have to say that the snapper pie is fabulous.  No, I really mean it.  It is absolutely fabulous. They also do very good chips!

Sadly I don’t appreciate oysters, but if you do, then The Boathouse will deliver.  They have a special section on their menu just for the oysters (all natural of course) listing the oysters that they serve that come from a dozen or more locations or more.  The Boathouse is oyster lovers heaven.

This was the view from the corner table at The Boathouse looks back over the bay to Anzac Bridge. It really is a spectacular place.

So, there you have it.  If you are looking for somewhere special for lunch or dinner, then The Boathouse on Blackwattle Bay is a great choice.


Hotels are strange places

I am currently enduring hotel checking limbo.  Meaning that the earliest that I can check in is 1,00pm, and it’s now only just after 10.30am  I had to drop my bike off early this morning to get it serviced.  So here I am whiling away the time in the hotel bar.

Thankfully I have my laptop and phone, so I am pretty much self-sufficient and able to do “real work” if I choose.

On the off chance that you are in the Rose Hill area and feel like meeting me for a coffee, then send me a text, or give me a call.  I would enjoy some company :-)
