The science of female orgasm

While browsing New Scientist on-line today I came across two articles about scientific study of female orgasm.  Links below:

There isn’t anything startlingly revelatory in either, but it does make for interesting reading.

For instance, fMRI scans have shown that for some women, stimulation of their nipples causes a response in their brain in the same area that vaginal stimulation activates.  As mentioned in the article, to female researchers this is completely obvious.  However male researchers were surprised (which frankly is not surprising).

One of the main findings is summed up here:

“During orgasm, almost the whole brain becomes highly active”

This is interesting, as it matches what I have been told by women: that during an intense orgasm they are totally transported out of the “here and now”.  It also explains perhaps why, if your mind is being distracted by other things, or not entirely engaged with the experience that it is so hard to achieve orgasm.

If you are interested in the science of orgasm, then these articles are worth a look.
