Would you like to come exploring with me?

I recently traded in my fabulously fun little sports car for something a bit more “practical” – something I thought I’d never do. As much as that hurt thought my choice of practical transportation – a Subaru Forester was a calculated choice.

My remarkably cheap 2009 Subaru Forester

If you’ve read some of my website, or known me for any length of time then you will know that I am a pretty keen photographer. I love landscape photography, wildlife, macro, and astro photography and Australia is a pretty amazing and beautiful place.

Red Banks at sunset, Kangaroo Island, South Australia

However I’ve never really taken the time to travel in Australia for the purpose of visiting and documenting beautiful places – except once when I visited Lake Mungo in south western NSW, a place that I highly recommend visiting.

So one of my goals with the Forester is to set it up so that I can go travelling and camping in it and see more of this wonderful country of ours.

If you like the idea of a day or two or three exploring some out of the way places with me then let me know. Let’s have an adventure!

The road awaits…


It’s good to be home!

It’s been 18 wonderful day, over 30,000 kms flying, 1,400 kms driving, four AirBNBs, two hotel, 3,600+ photos, five nights sighting the aurora, more amazing scenery than you can poke a stick at – and around 60 cups of tea – but I’m back in Australia and available for your pleasure!

I have been incredibly lucky to travel to some of the most amazing and beautiful places in the world with my clients over the years and this trip was no exception.

If you have a special destination – whether it’s in Australia, or overseas – that you have always wanted to visit, but don’t want to go alone then it would be my pleasure to accompany you.

If you are keen on sight seeing then I can be your companion and personal photographer (including a photo book of the trip, a framed print of your favourite image, and electronic copies of all of our photos to display in a digital photo frame). Or perhaps you just want to go to a destination and relax with good food, massage, conversation, and company.  I can accommodate whatever you desire.

I book up to three trips a year, so if you are thinking of travelling with me then drop me a line with your proposed dates and destination and we can work out a travel plan.

You can see more about traveling with me including my rates on my Travel Page.


Condoms and Road trippin.

Now it’s been a while since I took a good road trip and I will say that I’ve forgotten the quirks of bathrooms in country pubs and in this case truck stops.

Who else remembers the venerable bathroom condom vending machine?

Good to see they’re still thinking about the ladies pleasure and stocking the “super ribbed and textured” variety! (or am I misreading the target market here?)


Summer is coming – time for the beach!

As we head into what is shaping up to be a pretty warm summer I wanted to say – if you’re thinking of booking a date with me and want more than just a sexy indoor session then how about a trip to the beach? If you are feeling daring then we could visit one of Sydney’s nude beaches, like Cobbler, or (my favourite) Little Congwong beach on Botany Bay. There are few things that I enjoy more than the sun, sand, and water and it’s nice to be able to share it with someone!

So perhaps lunch at a cafe, a couple of hours of sun and water, and then an evening of pleasure in…


If you are wondering what that might look like then check out my film A Grand Day Out!

this short film contains nudity and is NOT SAFE FOR WORK

For my American readers

I think it’s fair to say that the US as a society has a dysfunctional relationship with sex work. Conservative politics and conservative religion make sex work almost entirely illegal, in a country where there is just as much sex work as anywhere else in the world. It’s bad for sex workers, client of sex workers, and the society as a whole.

It also has other effects – one being that I can’t risk visiting the US, not even for a holiday.

Facial recognition technology is widely used at the US boarder to match Canadian sex workers with photographs scraped from their online advertising and they are barred from entering the US. I don’t know if this same technique is used against sex workers from other nations, but being turned back at the border and potentially being denied entry again for up to ten years is something that I’m not keen to risk.

So, sadly, I have to turn down the requests that I receive to visit the US – or to even visit as a tourist. I would love to see more of the US, but while I’m a sex worker it’s just not going to happen.

However – if you are from the US and would like to meet me, then the best option is for you to take a trip down under and visit me here in Sydney, Australia. I have a neat and private apartment and Sydney is a great spot to explore from, whether it’s local or around the rest of the nation.

So if you would are from the US and would like to book me, then consider taking a trip to Oz. You will be very welcome!


38% of Americans would give up sex for a year if they could travel now

When I saw this statistic I was surprised.  Then I thought about it some more and realised that it indicates a sad truth – those people probably have terrible sex lives that they really wouldn’t miss, even for a year.

On reflection I shouldn’t be surprised.  The reality I think is that most people aren’t having the sex that they want and many people – especially women – become resigned to that.  In that case a trip to Aspen, or Venice in return for losing something you don’t get or don’t enjoy seems like a good deal.

So the real question here isn’t “Why would anyone make that trade?” it’s more like “Why do we as a society value and prioritise our sexuality and sex lives so little?”.

As a male escort for women, sex is a central aspect of my life.  My sexuality is something that I have a deep relationship with and am fully aware of.  This is necessary for my work, but I came to realise many years ago that a rewarding sex life was an important part of my happiness as a person – so hearing someone say that they would go without sex for a year just to go on a trip is to me, shocking.

There are many reasons why sex is at the bottom of so many peoples list of priorities for their lives.

Once, religion and it’s influence would have been high on this list, but – here in Australia at least – that is much less of a factor these days.

Our atomised communities is probably the largest problem now.  Our government said just this week that single people should be prepared to move (anywhere in the country presumably) to “get a job”, ignoring entirely the impact of social dislocation – that is the loss of friendship networks, family, and other community caused by moving away.  We are a social species, meaning that we need to be around other people who we know and are connected to to be happy and healthy.  That also happens to be the ideal context in which to find someone to have fulfilling sex and relationships with.  So people, isolated from the network that lets them find a partner just end up not having sex at all.

Social media – blight on society that it is – also bears some blame.  It makes people feel inadequate, allows them to substitute virtual experiences for real ones (and therefore increase their isolation), or gives them bad experiences that discourage them from dating (Tinder et al I’m looking at you here).

Work and debt is a third problem. Most people I know here in Sydney are forced to work to live by high rent or mortgages. It means that work is the central thing in their lives and leaves precious little time and energy for any thing else. And lets face it – the relationships (whether casual or long term) required to find fulfilling sex require time and effort to build and maintain.

In conclusion, while I think that society generally disparages sex and sexuality and treats it as unimportant at best and something to be ashamed of at worst, the biggest problem is that for many people there simply isn’t room in their lives for sex. Sometimes that is our own fault and others it is societal pressure and expectations (like building a career, buying a home, or having a family).

So how do we get past those problems?

It’s not easy. The first thing to do though is work out what sex means to you and what priority you are prepared to give it in your life. That’s the starting point. Once you know the answer to that, then you can adjust the competing priorities in your life to give your sexuality the room it needs to grow.


Your travel companion

About three years ago – in Australia – women hiring male escorts to travel with them as companions became a thing.

I have been lucky enough to see places like New Zealand, Iceland, Italy, Fiji, and more with my clients. It isn’t something that everyone can afford, but it’s also something that not all women who are or would be clients of sex workers even know is possible. So I thought I would write an article about it to outline what it is and how it works.

Every one who offers travel companion services has their own style of course, so the way I do it will be different to what my peers offer – but there’s sure to be someone out there who will suit you.

New Zealand

I think that we tend to overlook New Zealand as a travel destination. It’s just New Zealand… not as exciting as somewhere in Asia, not as rich in history and culture as Europe…

New Zealand is absolutely totally worth visiting (more than once!). It’s close, affordable, breathtakingly beautiful, is easy to get around. It will never disappoint.

Lake Wakatipu, looking west toward Glenorchy

The natural beauty of this country is undeniable. The food is good. The wine is excellent. The people are friendly.

Cecil Peak, seen from Queenstown

What it is:

I offer a service as a “travel companion”. That means that I will travel with you, just like a partner would. I’m going to be company during the travel part getting from here to there if we have to fly, catch a train, or drive. I’m going to help with your bags if you need it. We are going to explore our destination together. We are going to share all of the experiences that are on offer. I am a decent photographer with professional equipment, so I am going to document our adventure together so you don’t have to if you just want to concentrate on the experience. If something goes wrong, I am going to do my best fix it. And because I’m a sex worker, of course we can have sex too!

As a professional companion I won’t:

  • Get stressed about travelling – I’ve done plenty in my life and am very calm and collected, even in the face of lost baggage and cancelled flights!
  • Have a meltdown over some trivial thing and spoil the holiday.
  • Be demanding about where we eat and what we do – it’s your holiday, that I’m sharing with you, your preferences and desires come first and honestly I’m going to be fine with whatever you would like to do.


If you go to Italy then you have to see Venice. And a gondola ride is absolutely worth the cost.

No one needs to sell Italy as a travel destination – but we can also overlook the well known destinations when we think about travel, feeling that they are a bit passe, or not exciting enough.

Can I just say to this: Italy will never, ever be boring. As a country with literally thousands of years of history, culture, food, architecture and more, it will be forever interesting.

Yes, you need to expect more tourists, but that also comes with, more available flights, greater choice of hotels etc.

I have never seen so many tourists as I did at the popular sites in Rome, like the Trevi Fountain. As you can see above it was insanely popular. It changed the experience, but it was still wonderful to see.

How it works:

Duration – A trip away can be anywhere from a couple of days, to weeks. Whatever suits your budget and taste for adventure.

Destination – I can travel within Australia, or overseas. There are a few places that I do not currently travel: the US, due to their draconian laws that means they will deport anyone they think is a sex worker at the border – even when we are travelling just for a holiday. I also refuse to travel to Saudi Arabia due to their human rights abuses and treatment of women.

Most of my clients have places in mind that they want to travel to – however If you don’t know where to go and would like ideas, I can help plan an adventure for us to share based on things you might enjoy. I am always happy to be a part of the planning process.

I’m up for anything from an adventure trip like hiking, diving, skiing, sailing, and more, to classic site seeing, to a relaxing time laying on the beach – or anything in between.

Usually I am traveling together with clients from Australia, but I am also happy to have you “fly me to you” for your trip, if you don’t live near me.


Constitution Dock, Hobart

Tasmania makes for a great destination – especially if you live in Australia. It’s easy to get to, small enough to see a lot of in a week. And has plenty of attractions, both man made and natural.

Hike to Cradle Mountain, explore Freycinet National Park, visit MONA – the museum of Old and New Art on the Derwent River near Hobart, and see the ruins of the first white settlement in Tasmania at Port Arthur.

It’s easy to visit MONA. Just catch their dedicated ferry up the river from Hobart

Of course this doesn’t even scratch the surface and Tasmania is as beautiful as it is varied.

What it costs – you can see my fees for extended travel bookings on my Price and Booking page. It is also expected that you will cover the cost of travel, food, and accommodation during the trip.

Cooking – If we are staying somewhere with cooking facilities and access to groceries then I am very happy to cook for us. It’s a nice way to relax together after a day of sight seeing, or to help get us on the way in the morning. Eating out is often expensive, so cooking for us can be a great way to reduce the cost of the trip if circumstances allow.

I visited Iceland in 2018 and drove this rather comfortable Suzuki 4×4 around the island from the west cost to the south east. It’s a beautiful, rugged place. A 4×4 is highly recommended in Iceland as the weather and road conditions can be harsh. A sturdy vehicle is a good insurance policy and it lets you explore places that a regular car cannot go.

Driving – I am a safe and experienced driver (over twenty seven years of driving and riding on the road, with a perfect safety record!), so if you are thinking of doing a driving holiday then I can be your chauffeur as required. I hold an international drivers license and have experience (and confidence) driving on both sides of the road. I have driven clients in Australia, New Zealand, and Iceland, with South Africa, Canada, and Norway planned over the next year.

Sleeping arrangements – I am happy to share a bed with you when we travel – I don’t need my own room or bed. But I do require some time and space to myself each day to allow me to keep my energy up!


If you like warm waters, soft sand, snorkelling, scuba diving, and taking things slow, then Fiji is a great choice

It is easy and affordable to get to, there is accommodation to suit all budgets, and with a little effort you can find places that are quiet and relaxed without throngs of other tourists.

As a scuba diver and snorkeler, I found Fiji to have fantastic clear water, fabulous sea life, and amazing coral. If you like the ocean and want to explore it, then Fiji is a great choice.

My availability – I take bookings for up to four trips a year, those spots tend to fill up fast, so booking well ahead is vital. My next availability as I write is mid 2020. If you have a specific time in mind to travel, please don’t hesitate to contact me to discuss my availability.

After the trip – when we get home I process all of the photos that I took and provide you with electronic copies of them. I also assemble a stylish hard cover photo book of the best images. My photo books typically run to 100 pages or more, visually telling the story of our trip.

This is the photo book I created for a trip to New Zealand with a client in 2018

I don’t charge extra for my photo books, they are included in the cost of the trip.If you would like prints of any of the photos that I take then I am happy to arrange that too. I especially love creating large format prints of landscape photographs captured when I travel.

So, if you think a trip – big or small – with me would be fun, then drop me a line and let’s have an adventure together!


Scuba diving at Oak Park Beach, Cronulla, Sydney

Twelve months ago I completed my Open Water scuba diver’s certificate. It was something that I have wanted to do for many, many years, and I am very pleased that I finally did it.

scuba diver with underwater camera, over seaweed bed
scuba diver over seaweed bed

I recently had a chance to dive at Oak Park in Cronulla, Sydney. It’s a fascinating and popular dive spot that is relatively easy to access straight from the beach. I dove with a a local group and was “buddied” with a diver who, like me, was also a photographer. So we headed out and spent forty minutes on the bottom photographing the fish life off Oak Park Beach.

I am always surprised by just how “tropical” the fish around Sydney are. And the seemingly never ending variety is quite amazing.

Female blue grouper comes up to check out me and my dive buddy for that day.

The highlight of the dive for me was finally meeting some of Sydney’s famous blue groupers! These fish are HUGE. The males being the biggest, with a striking blue colour, while the females are smaller and a green/brown colour. They are quite comfortable around humans (due to being fed, which is not ideal) and when they spot a diver, will come to investigate and often hang around in the hope of a sea urchin treat!

A male blue grouper hanging around, hoping for a treat of sea urchin
The resident male blue grouper Gus (there is only one male at a time in any given area) hung around, hoping for a treat of sea urchin. When a male blue grouper eventually dies, one of the females with change sex and become the new Gus!

The fish life is so varied – most of which I have never seen, or even know the name of.

These fish stayed close to the rock walls at all times and moved in large highly synchronised schools. I have no idea what they actually are! And fish identification, I have found seems to be even harder than bird identification!

Fish that I have yet to identify – hanging out along the sandstone wall that you follow out from the beach at Oak Park
My dive buddy photographing the “old wives” (Enoplosus armatusthat are very common off Oak Park beach
Another species that I couldn’t identify, doing a great job of camouflaging itself among the plant life on the sandy bottom
“Don’t mind me…” Gus chilling with my dive buddy

If you are a certified scuba diver – or you would like to get your Open Water certification – I am available for adventure bookings, whether it’s a day diving in Sydney, or a week on the Great Barrier Reef, or diving in Fiji. I can am very easy to travel with and will bring you home safe with loads of beautiful photographs of your trip – both above and below the water.
