According to an article published in the Sydney Morning Herald today:
The Indonesian religious affairs minister is going to ban mini-skirts because they cause men to rape women.
I have no idea where to even start with this non-sense really. Except to say that this is an excellent example of why allowing fundamentalist religious minorities to have power in any society is always a bad thing for women (it will also be bad for gay men, lesbians, and any other minority that catches the attention of these people)..
Bad for their liberty, bad for their health, bad for their education, and definitely bad for their sexuality.
In Indonesia the problem is fundamentalist Islam, in the US it’s fundamentalist Christianity. In Australia we are largely immune to these forces, but it has been with a growing sense of dismay in recent times that I have watched people who I have considered intelligent, educated, and open minded fall down the rabbit hole of extreme religious views and start spouting nonsense that is on a par with Indonesia’s obsession with seeing women’s knees.