What good sex does for us

To be a happy healthy person you need balance in your life.  Good food in moderation, exercise, companionship, challenges, and yes sex.

Our society is very good at telling us that we need to exercise more, eat better etc.  But sadly there is no-one talking about the role that sexuality can play in improving out lives.  It’s treated by most people as something that happens to some people and (if they are lucky) it’s good.

I have come to realise though that regular sex and sexual play can drastically alter a person’s personality and life in a positive way!  We have all seen it, or experienced it ourselves at one time or another, a workmate or friend turning up with that rosy cheeked look and a smile that just screams “I’ve been having really good sex”.  We treat that though as just a passing thing.  It’s a new relationship, or some life change means that you are having more sex with your partner.  And for a while the world is a rosy place and you are chilled out and happy.  But then the gloss wears off, things get dull, and sex goes back to being ho-hum, or absent.

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Premature ejaculation and the problem with “medicalising” every little thing

Well, the rain has gone away and I now have a nicer view of the landscape.  One of the things that view revealed was this billboard …

You see them around the place in Sydney regularly if you get around the cities major roads like I do.

They annoy me disproportionately.  Mostly I think because they represent one of the fundamental failings that I think we have as a society when it comes to our sexuality (and our health in general).

Premature ejaculation (which I assume is the “illness” that these people are selling a treatment for) is a physical response to a mental state bought on by incorrect conditioning of young men as they become sexually aware.  It’s not a disease that you need to pop a pill for, or take an “oral strip”, or us a “nasal delivery system” to paint over the symptom without treating the underlying problem.

As I have stated before, I am not a doctor, have not training as such.  But I am quite sure on this topic that for most men with issues of premature ejaculation that chemicals are not an appropriate response.  Why?  Because it is something that I have personally experienced and have personally overcome.  For most men all it takes is a few weeks, to a few months of practice following a simple technique described by Dr Sy Silverberg MD.  A Canadian doctor and sex therapist.  You can see his website and buy his book here:


and you can also buy his book via Amazon:


Just about everything in our society is now viewed in terms of money and having to buy solutions to our problems (and yes I see the irony of me being upset about that!).  There are always things that will need to be bought, like houses, and mobile phones, but the ability to have sex for as long as you and your partner want to doesn’t need to one of them.

All it takes is some self discipline (to follow the technique), some assistance from a loving partner (to help you practice when the appropriate stage is reached) and you will be rid of premature ejaculation and all of the self doubt, guilt, and conflict that it can bring with it.

Ladies, if you have a partner with PE, then you can change his life for the better by encouraging and assisting him to work through this book’s technique.

Men, if you have PE you can improve your enjoyment and satisfaction with sex and that of your partner by getting a copy of this book and making time to re-learn your responses to your partner.

My personal experience was that it took me about two weeks of practice (twice a day) to break my problem with reaching orgasm too quickly.  And the best thing is that you can do it with without spending a cent on drugs or doctors.

Yes you have to pay for the book, but that’s a one time purchase, not a life time prescription.



Sexpo – 2 … The Pussy Shaver kit

Having a shaved pussy can feel great for sex and oral sex.  Smooth slippery skin … such intimate contact …

But the day to day logistics of shaving can be problematic.  In-grown hairs, shaving cuts etc.

The kit includes a powder brush (bottom left), the long hair trimmer (middle), and the fine hair shaver (top right)

One of the stalls that I saw at Sexpo run by a company caleld VShavers was selling a kit of electric shavers that they call the Pussy Shaver kit.  Basically it has two shavers.  One rather like the shape of a toothbrush for trimming long hair, the other more like a regular shaver for removing stubble and fine hair.  Add some talcum powder as a dry lubricant and you are away.

I don’t have hairy arms, so the demo on me was only just noticeable!  But I watched another gentleman have a patch shaved on a very hairy forearm (much more like a woman’s pubic hair) and the result was excellent.

You can buy the shaver kit online at their website:


I bought one of the kits and will give it away as one choice for the next four people to book an overnight date with me.


Sex in relationships

If you keep an eye on sexuality related trivia like I do, then you may have noticed a few months ago that a French woman successfully sued her husband (and was awarded AUD$13,500 in damages) because he failed to fulfill his duty as a husband to provide sex to his wife during their marriage.


The husband appealed the decision and lost.  The ruling and the damages stand.

When I first read about this I was amazed.  This sort of situation is very familar to me (as is the reverse).  But the French legal system has potentially just set a precident that has absolutely huge implications, at least in their own country.

The first thing that comes to mind is: this opens the flood gates for men, unsatisfied with their sex lives to sue their wives for damages.  The second is: what about our right as individuals to say “no”?

The more you pick at this issue the more complex it gets, and I expect that in the short term at least, only the lawyers are going to win from it.

What I do see though is that this ruling (in France at least) puts a spotlight on our relationships and how we treat each other sexually.  I recently made a post offering a Master Class in giving great oral sex to women and I think that this court case confirms my thinking.  Guys: we need to put a lot more effort into pleasing our partners (and being able to give great oral sex is a much appreciated skill).  And it’s not hard to do.  Yes it takes effort and a little thought, but honestly it’s not that hard.

What you need is:

  1. To understand you partner and your own sexuality (what you each like, what you don’t like, what turns you on, what satisfies you)
  2. A few specific skills (how to give oral sex, how give your partner an orgasm, what she likes when it comes time to have penetrative sex)
  3. A plan that delivers what each of you need and want

I have had occassion to discuss these issues with women and couples and often it is relatively easy to find ways to help overcome the hurdles.  A little bit of understanding, a little bit of effort and flexibility can transform the situation.

I am not a sex therapist, or medial professional, but I do have a lot of real world experience, that I am able to share.  I also have the big advantage as a sex worker over a health professional that I am ethically able to demonstrate and directly teach men and women the physical techniques that I use and know.

So, here’s an open invitation to men, women, and couples.  Do you want to improve your sex life?  If you do, then contact me; post a comment below, send me an email, or give me a call and we can talk about what might work for you.  If you don’t think that your partner would want to be involved, don’t worry, we can still talk and find solutions that you can implement on your own.

Lets keep the courts out of our bedrooms and start having better sex!


Masterclass: giving great oral sex to women

Really good oral sex is great for women, and it’s the easiest way for a man to give his partner an orgasm.  Personally I love to give oral sex and I find that giving serious pleasure to my partner is enjoyable for me too.  It’s satisfying and rewarding beyond description to me when my partner reaches orgasm and I feel the waves of her pleasure pulse through her body beneath my tongue and hands.

Sadly not all men know how to do what their partners need to bring them to orgasm.  And it is a skill that has to be learned and practiced. No-one is born with it.

I have spent most of my adult life learning the techniques that I know, learning to read the signs that a woman is enjoying what I am doing with her, and finding new ways to give pleasure.

If you and your partner want to learn my techniques, then join my Master Class: Giving great oral sex to women.

This class involves being nude and the female partner receiving
oral sex from me and her partner as part of the process of instruction.

How does it work:

  • The class runs for two hours
  • Involves one or more couples
  • Begins with basic anatomy (you have to know what the parts of a woman’s genitals are to be able to give maximum pleasure)
  • Description of basic techniques
  • Demonstration of basic techniques (so she knows what you should be doing and you get to see it being done)
  • Practice (with my guidance).

Who can attend:

  • Any couple who want to learn about giving great oral sex to women.

What does it cost:

  • $350 per couple (if just one couple attends)
  • $200 per couple (for two or more couples at the same time).

When can we do it:

  • There is no set schedule.  Just contact me when you are ready and arrange a time
  • If you are comfortable doing the class with another couple please let me know and I will try to arrange a time that suits everyone.

What should we bring:

  • A willingness to learn
  • Patience
  • An open mind

What should we leave behind:

  • Your inhibitions – this class is not for men with issues of possesiveness.  If you are going to learn, then I have to be able to show you what to do, which means finding out what your partner enjoys and demonstrating it with her to you.  If either of you can’t handle that, then this class is not for you
  • Fear that you might fail – these techniques take time to learn.  You need to be prepared to practice and fail and practice again.  I have spent years learning my techniques and I am still learning now
  • An expection that you will be perfect in two hours – see above

Prostate cancer and the pill …

There is no denying that the contraceptive pill has been a huge boon to women, finally giving them reliable control over their fertility.  It seems though that there may be an unexpected price to be paid.

New Scientist has an article here:


Discussing a recent study that has showed a correlation between use of the contraceptive pill by women and increased incidences of prostate cancer in men in the same countries.

The reason for the correlation isn’t clear at all, but the researchers did have this to say:

“One hypothesis is that the level of pill use in a population gives an indication of the amount of sexual activity, which has previously been linked to prostate cancer (Epidemiology, DOI: 10.1097/00001648-200201000-00012). But Margel and Fleshner didn’t find a correlation between prostate cancer and the use of other contraceptives such as condoms or vaginal barriers, which might also indicate levels of sexual activity.

The pair favours a different hypothesis. They think that the oestrogen-like chemicals which are by-products of metabolism of the pill pass into the urine and ultimately make their way into the water supply.”

Now as a man, I have to say that is just a little bit scary.  Thankfully the majority of the water that I drink is rain water that I catch myself.  This is far from perfect, but it does means that I won’t be increasing my risk of prostate cancer in that way.

This leads me to my main point: I have never liked the idea of women having to take the pill any more than they absolutely need to.  I also know a number of women for whom the pill has nasty side effects.

So, when my partner and I decided some time ago that we didn’t want to have children, my response was to have a vasectomy.  It was quick, simple (done under local anaesthetic), basically painless and completely effective.  It is also much safer than a tubal ligation for a woman – which is a fairly major piece of surgery.

I am told however that many men don’t like the idea.  Well guys, if you have a family and aren’t planning on more children, then here’s a good reason to have The Snip.  If it means that your partner gets to go off the pill, then I am guessing that we could dramatically reduce the consumption of the pill and therefore reduce the oestrogen-like chemicals in our water supply.

Most men love sex and require it in their relationship.  If that’s the case then we should be taking more of the responsibility for contraception in our relationships.  And perhaps doing ourselves a favour into the bargain.


The science of female orgasm

While browsing New Scientist on-line today I came across two articles about scientific study of female orgasm.  Links below:

There isn’t anything startlingly revelatory in either, but it does make for interesting reading.

For instance, fMRI scans have shown that for some women, stimulation of their nipples causes a response in their brain in the same area that vaginal stimulation activates.  As mentioned in the article, to female researchers this is completely obvious.  However male researchers were surprised (which frankly is not surprising).

One of the main findings is summed up here:

“During orgasm, almost the whole brain becomes highly active”

This is interesting, as it matches what I have been told by women: that during an intense orgasm they are totally transported out of the “here and now”.  It also explains perhaps why, if your mind is being distracted by other things, or not entirely engaged with the experience that it is so hard to achieve orgasm.

If you are interested in the science of orgasm, then these articles are worth a look.


Scratchy or smooth?

I am lucky enough to have facial whiskers that grow slowly, meaning that I really only need to shave a couple of times a week.  I also make a point of carrying a razor with me when I am on an overnight date or longer date so that I can keep my chin smooth, after all no-one likes a stubbly kiss, right?

Not so fast!  I was informed recently by someone that she rather liked a bit of stubble, so no, please don’t shave.

I was surprised to say the least.  So I need to ask the question: what do you like when you kiss a man?  Do you prefer stubble, or a smooth chin?


Pin cushion!

I had my regular check-up with the doctor the other day and after having blood drawn, plus a vaccination booster for Hep A and B I feel like pin cushion!


I don’t much like needles at the best of times, so this was extra unpleasant.

However it’s all for a good cause and ultimately very important that I know that I am safe and that I am not putting my clients at risk.

The nurse who normally take blood at my GP’s clinic was away again (a regular occurance), so the doctor had to take the sample in stead.  I am really pleased to find that his technique has improved dramatically since the last time that I saw him!

The vaccination still stung like blazes though and I still feel like I have been punched in the arm.

Still, modern medicine.  I wouldn’t want to live in a world without.
