

I am John Oh, straight male escort for women.  I live in Sydney, Australia and work in Sydney, Canberra, and Melbourne.

I am one of Sydney’s most experienced male escorts for women and offer a service that I believe is second to none.

Book a date with me to experience the luxury of personal intimate attention.  From relaxing talk with a glass of wine, to a meal cooked to order, erotic massage, and of course intense and satisfying sex.

If you would like to see photos of me, please see my photos page.

I am available to travel interstate or internationally if you would like to fly me to you, or have me travel with you on your holiday.

If you would like to chat with me you can drop me an email, send me a text, or give me a call.  I am also happy to chat by Skype if you would like to get to know me better.


A special night out

From a conversation (with permission)…

Hi John are you free Friday night next week? We have a request
Hi Anthena 🙂 Yes I am, what do you have in mind?
Have you ever been to a sex club, do you know a good one?
Continue reading

We need to be able to ask for what we want in bed

I want to share something (with permission) that a woman recently told me.

“…one reason I was a bit reticent to tell you if something wasn’t working for me, is in the past, an ex-partner became quite upset when something that had felt good previously, wasn’t doing it for me that particular time. He basically said it wasn’t normal for something to feel good one time, but not another time and how was he supposed to know what to do if I keep changing my mind, and not to worry he would make sure to never do that again. So therefore I would never tell him if something wasn’t working for me in that particular instance.”

My response was to reassure her that she was always welcome to tell me if something wasn’t working for her (and inversely if something was really good!).  I will never judge a person, or take it as an insult if something that we are doing isn’t working for them – even if it has in the past.  We are never the same person from day to day.  Our hormones change, we are tired, or energised, we are more or less aroused, the list goes on.  So expecting the same thing to work for your partner every time you have sex isn’t realistic, or fair.

I have some advantage in this regard because my job as a male escort for women is to work out what works for someone.  It’s my natural inclination to watch for the effects of what I’m doing and adjust, or ask if I think that there might be a problem.  In long term relationships though it is very easy to slip into routines when we have sex and to just do the things that we always do that usually works.

I think that this is a good lesson for all partners: sex should be a fluid thing.  It’s something that we should think about and pay attention to, rather than just something that just becomes routine.

Something that I have noticed over the years is that even with women I have known for many years, the sex never becomes routine or boring.  I think that is in large part because when someone comes to see me it is “intentional” rather than just part of everyday life.  So the sex is intentional.  It is considered.  Perhaps even planned – which can lead to exploring new ideas, trying new things, building a fantasy, then seeing where that leads.

I know that is always going to be hard to replicate in a relationship, but I think that it is worth acknowledging that sex needs to be made a priority in our lives from day to day to make it the best experience that it can be.


Learning a new skill

It’s obvious that no-one is born knowing how to drive. Driving is one of those skills that you have to learn by getting in a vehicle with an instructor, being guided, trying, making mistakes, learning, and eventually being able to safely drive a vehicle. For me that started when I was quite young growing up on a farm in Victoria and has continued on the road for thirty odd years.

Just this week though I undertook my first practical training and assessment session to drive a heavy vehicle. In particular I was training to drive heavy vehicles with an old style manual transmition. Now I can drive a manual car, but this is rather different, more complicated, and requires a *very* delicate touch with both your shifting hand and your foot – much more so than modern cars need.

I spent three hours driving around a one kilometer loop practicing shifting up and down, up and down. And I just couldn’t do it consistently. Sometimes I’d get it right, then I’d lose it again. 

There were a few reasons why it was so difficult for me.  One was trying to overcome more than thirty years of driving reflexes, another was my preferred learning style – no pressure, lots of repetition, and being able to mess up, then try again. The last is a supportive teacher who doesn’t get stressed or lose their cool.

The first is just something that takes time. Reflexes are hard to overcome – especially reflexes that you have learned to keep you safe. Unfortunately the loop we were driving was relatively short with several corners that limited my ability to just practice, practice, practice and threw in having to worry about a bunch of other factors like traffic, potholes etc. The last was the biggest problem and I honestly wasn’t comfortable with the person who was instructing me. I tried to work through it, but in the end I had to cut the session short because his teaching style clashed with how I learn and when combined with my fading ability to concentrate from mental exhaustion it was clear that there was no point continuing that day.

It may not seem obvious but there are some strong parallels between my recent experience and how many people experience learning about sex. I think that there is a very strong expectation in people that sex will just “come naturally” and when it doesn’t I think many people blame themselves, thinking that it must be their failing.

The truth though is that first – especially if we are older and have experience and sexual “reflexes” – it can be *really* hard to unlearn or modify those reflexes. Certain things “work” for us and trying new things or different things may not hit the same way leaving us fighting not to fall back into old patterns.

Then there’s the question of how we learn. Are you someone who likes to plan things out and try them step by step? Or do you prefer to just jump into something and see what happens? Do you need lots of communication and reasurance?

And finally there’s the person (or persons) you are doing your exploration with. This is likely to be the most important part of all. We are at our most vulnerable when we express a desire to another person – when we open ourselves up and say to a partner “I would like you to do this for me…”. There is a huge risk there emotionally. Will they take your request seriously? Will they be understanding and supportive? Will they respect your boundaries? Will they be enthusiastic about your shared journey and experience?

I often have women come to me who want to have a new experience, or learn new ways to experience pleasure, or discover what they are capable of sexually. I believe that I always put my full effort and attention into helping the women and couples who come to me to explore their sexuality. 

My personal experience this week learning a new and difficult skill under stressful circumstances has reminded me of just how hard it can be for people to be vulnerable and to put their trust in someone else. I don’t believe that I have ever lost sight of that in my sex work, but it never hurts to have a reminder. I want to be the best I can possibly be as a sex worker and I think that this experience will help me to achieve that.


Body+Soul 2024 Australian sex census

Honestly I don’t tend to put a lot of stock in pop-culture surveys, but this one threw up a few things that I think are worth considering.

No. 1 – 48% of under thirties (from a sample size of 2000 people total) said that working from home had allowed for more sex.

Now younger people cop a lot of stick for not being “appropriately dedicated” to their work, but I absolutely understand this attitude. Growing up most of us older than Gen Z were told that we had to “work hard to get ahead” and that building a career was critical to happiness and success. While some people find fulfillment from a traditional career, many – I would say most – do not.

What has become known as “grind culture” is in fact incredibly destructive for most people, leaving them drained of energy and unable to fully participate in a relationship and a satisfying sex life.

If working from home is helping people to find a better balance between their work and their mental and sexual wellbeing then I am all for it.

I have worked for myself and from home for the vast majority of my adult life and although there are challenges and it just doesn’t work for some people I think that it’s worth fighting for if it works for you – especially if it means you can have a better sex life!

No. 2 – 48% of people say that stress and burnout is the biggest barrier to sex.

I’m genuinely surprised that the number is only 48%. I’m not surprised that stress and burnout is a problem though. For me personally as a male sex worker for women I have to manage my stress and limit the number of bookings that I take to make sure that I have the energy and enthusiasm to provide a professional service.

That’s not always an easy balance to strike even for me – so for the average person who has to pour their time and energy into their work it is no surprise at all that the stress of our lives and the burden of earning a living can have a significant impact on having and enjoying sex.

So, going back to the point above – I applaud the people who stick to their guns and demand to be able to work from home. Sex shouldn’t be something that we tack on to the end of our day. It should be a part of our lives that we nurture and celebrate make space for. It is too easy to always put other things ahead of sex.

No. 3 – 66% of young adults describe themselves as heterosexual compared to 80% one generation ago.

What surprises me here is that the difference isn’t larger. Still, Australia is a relatively conservative county deep down, so perhaps it’s just worth celebrating that an entire third of young adults felt free to say “I’m not heterosexual”.

I don’t attach value to being heterosexual, queer, gay, bi or any other orientation. All are equally valid. What I do value is people having the confidence and freedom to decide and to voice their identity.


It’s good to be home!

It’s been 18 wonderful day, over 30,000 kms flying, 1,400 kms driving, four AirBNBs, two hotel, 3,600+ photos, five nights sighting the aurora, more amazing scenery than you can poke a stick at – and around 60 cups of tea – but I’m back in Australia and available for your pleasure!

I have been incredibly lucky to travel to some of the most amazing and beautiful places in the world with my clients over the years and this trip was no exception.

If you have a special destination – whether it’s in Australia, or overseas – that you have always wanted to visit, but don’t want to go alone then it would be my pleasure to accompany you.

If you are keen on sight seeing then I can be your companion and personal photographer (including a photo book of the trip, a framed print of your favourite image, and electronic copies of all of our photos to display in a digital photo frame). Or perhaps you just want to go to a destination and relax with good food, massage, conversation, and company.  I can accommodate whatever you desire.

I book up to three trips a year, so if you are thinking of travelling with me then drop me a line with your proposed dates and destination and we can work out a travel plan.

You can see more about traveling with me including my rates on my Travel Page.


All stocked up

I like to buy in bulk and SWOP came through once again. That’s 144 x 4 condoms! Should keep things ticking along for a good while.

I will note that I had a moments panic when I saw the colour – seems that Lifestyles have changed their packaging! Thankfully they are still the same product though.


The weather may be weird, but it’s nice to see the sun again!

For those of us living in South Eastern Australia I expect that I speak for you too when I say: how good is it to have sunshine again?!  Even better that it’s not blowing a gale and the rain has finally stopped.  I expect that in a few weeks time – if this trend continues as it’s predicted to – we’ll all be starting to look around and worry about when it’s going to rain again, but for now it’s a wonderful relief.

More seriously though Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing.  It results from spending an extended time without enough sunlight, leading to changes in the production of melatonin and serotonin, and also disruption of one’s body clock.

I think it’s fair to say that the winter here in South Eastern Australia in 2024 has been pretty unpleasant by our standards (thank you climate change) and it’s been affecting most people.

However – now we have sunshine and an absolutely stunning Sydney day on the way.  I hope you are enjoying some great weather wherever you are – and if you’re not, then you are always welcome to visit me and we can


The perfect way to end a delightful night!

If you are thinking of booking an overnight date with me then consider extending things a little in the morning and indulging in breakfast by the harbour! With spring arriving it’s the perfect weather for breakfast at a nice cafe with a stunning view.

If you have been thinking about an overnight booking then I have a free Saturday night on 7th of September.