Lunch today had a Japanese theme. I am quite partial to Japanese food, but I must say that I love teriyaki.

Teriyaki sauce is simplicity itself to make. Just take soy sauce, add mirin (sweet rice wine) to taste (if you don’t have mirin, then sake and brown sugar will do). Chicken (or any other meat) can then be marinated in it and (as the meat is being cooked) more teriyaki sauce brushed on to get that seductive dark glossy look.
I am told that traditionally the Japanese use teriyaki on fish, but outside of Japan it has become popular on chicken and other meats.
Sadly, I ate my lunch before taking a photo of it today, but I have found a photo of teriyaki chicken and rice for this post.
I love Japanese cuisine, but don’t get to eat it as often as I would like. Having had this little adventure, I think that it is probably time to see if I can whip up a Chanko-Nabe (a Japanese one pot stew based on chicken broth with meat and vegetables famously created by and for Sumo wrestlers).
This dish is typically cooked at the table and everyone serves themselves from the pot. I think that it will make for a delicious hearty meal, just right for cold, wet winter days.
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