Sun and sand

I had a couple of hours to spare today, so I rode my motorcycle to South Head and then walked down to Lady Bay beach.

Its a small clothing optional beach that, when the tide is in (like today) is not much more than a few meters of rock and sand.

Still, the day was warm and the water was beautiful, cool and clean, so I got to swim for the first time this season. I love salt water. I always feel good after spending time in it. Especially if I can then relax in the sun naked to dry off.

I don’t much go in for tanning, but after a winter of no sunshine I am ready to get just a little bit of colour back again!

Being able to strip off legally is good. There aren’t that many option around inner Sydney. So it was nice to get to Lady Bay today.

No photos to show you sadly, as it’s not really polite to be waving a camera around on a nude beach.



I love food, especially fresh salad.  And with the weather warming up salad makes a good light meal for dinner with some grilled chicken, fish, or a hard boiled egg.

To that end the veggie garden has an abundance of lettuce of different verieties growing this year.  Along with onions (who’s leaves are great chopped and tossed in) and a range of herbs.

Lettuce has proven remarkably easy to grow and they also look rather pretty!

What you want …

I have to say that since I launched my new site just over a week ago I have been delighted with the results.  I have had lots of great feedback from friends, customers, and new visitors.

The question now is: what I can do to make it even better?

Is there a subject that you would like me to write an article about?  Or would you like to see a particular kind of photo of me? I already have one request for more photos of my bottom!

So, if you have questions, ideas, or requests, make a comment below or send me an email and I will do my best to respond.


New mailing software for members mailing list

Just a quick post to let everyone know that I am now sending out my members emails using a new program called LAeMail.  It’s quite a simple application, but it does exactly what I need (send email to my mailing list with no fuss).

LAeMail is free software, supported by donations.  I haven’t donated yet, but I do intend to in the near future.  It’s a nice example of the free and open source community providing value that the big corporate software houses can’t

Thanks LAeMail.  Much appreciated!


P.S. If you are not a member and would like to be, just go to my Photos page and complete the registration for at the top.  You will get access to all of my photos, and notifications when I have specials on, or new articles and photo sets available.

A new camera

I have put off buying a digital SLR camera for a long time.  The rate of improvement in that technology has been astounding, so I held back to try to let the market mature and settle down a bit.

A week ago I decided that enough was enough.  The focus of my Canon point and shoot A1000 (a fantastic little camera that was very cheap) started playing up.  So I bit the bullet and bought a Canon EOS 550 Digital SLR.  It just arrived today and I have to say that I am very impressed.  I have snapped a few shots with it and the results are great.

This photo was taken on the terrace at home with the fruit trees.  It was never meant to be publish (hence the rough clothes), but I rather like the way it came out, so I thought that I would share it.

More photos to come!  I am looking forward to having a good play with this camera and seeing what it can achieve.  I have been wanting to do another nude shoot for some time and this is the perfect opportunity.



The dying art of walking in the suburbs

I was staying at the Rydges hotel in Rose Hill on Friday. Rather than order room service, or go down to the restaurant I decided to go out for a walk to find some food (hotel dining gets old very quickly if you spend as much time in hotels as I do).

I was really surprised then to find that unlike Australian suburbs as I know them – where walking is easy and the built environment is pedestrian friendly – this one is like a little slice of Houston, Texas.

If you have never been to Houston, then heres a short description: limited footpaths (if any), massive parking lots, limited public transport, everything is focused on driving. Even (I kid you not) driving 100 meters up the road to get lunch which is considered normal.

Walking is liable to get you heckled or worse.  Only poor people walk, or catch the bus, so pedestrians are considered fair game by many.

So walking around Rose Hill was a real shock.  The fast food stores (extruded from their respective corporate motherships) all seemed to assume that the only way anyone would approach them was by car.

The average pedestrian was forced to walk far out of their way to reach a door, and often run the gauntlet of driveway crossings and car parks to get there.  It was really quite startling and more than a little bit repulsive.  Somewhere some council town planners need to be sent for “re-education”

At least the extra walking required was good for me!


Your pleasure in my hands

Pleasure is ephemeral.

It can come from something as simple as being pampered …

Or sitting back to relax while someone else cooks dinner …

Sharing a drink and conversation …

Talking to someone just for fun …

Or being held just for the joy of feeling someone else’s skin on yours …

Pleasure comes from all sorts of things in life.


A good day to be indoors …

Wild and woolly weather here today.  A good day to be indoors and preferably tucked up in bed (preferably with someone)!

Today was of course a day where I ended up having to go out (on the bike) in the rain and howling wind.  Still, I didn’t get too wet and I am home safe now.

My weekend looks like it is going to fill up.  I have just taken a booking for Saturday day time, so if you are thinking of booking a date with me, then check out my calendar on the Price & Booking page and drop me an email, or a text.
