Spanking – for pleasure and pain

When you think of “kinky stuff” spanking is probably one of the first things that comes to mind.  What may surprise you is that in real life spanking is a very popular form of play.  It’s easy, it can be very fun and it’s about as safe as kink gets.

I decided to write this article as spanking is something that I am getting more and more requests for.  Possibly due to the whole Fifty Shades phenomenon …

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Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year

Well, it’s Christmas day already … the turkey is waiting to head for the oven and despite the rain and cloud it feels like Christmas.  For one thing it’s quiet (for now)!

Really, what I wanted to say here is “thank you”.  Thank you to all of the wonderful people I have had the pleasure of spending time with this year.

Thank you for your support and encouragement, thank you for your business and your trust.

If you live somewhere that Christmas is celebrated, then I hope you have a great Christmas and News Year Eve.  If not, then enjoy the remainder or the year!



Australian native birds (especially parrots) often have a hard time when it comes to nesting.  Their preferred spots are often taken over by starlings (a very aggressive non-native species), or lost to people cutting down dead trees for firewood.

To try to redress the balance a little my partner and I built a rosella nesting box and placed it under the eves of our cottage.  After a number of false starts with starlings trying to take over the nest box a pair of rosellas finally managed to set up house and start a family!  There have been “peepings” coming from the nest box for a couple of weeks now and yesterday we saw the first sign that the babies are doing well.

While I was retrieving a ladder from near the nest box I saw a slightly bald little face peeping out of the nest box!  Photo below …

Baby eastern rosella

A baby eastern rosella. Probably about two weeks away from fledging and leaving home

It’s great to be able to redress the balance a little and help out our native species.


Work in the nude day (Australia)

What can I say … this one was made for me!

It is officially Australian, Work In The Nude Day.  At least that’s what the Sydney Morning Herald is reporting – and I am not about to argue.

Frankly though it’s just business as usual for me!  I have worked for myself – usually from home – for almost all of my working life – and being able to strip off on a hot day is one of the great advantages of working for yourself.

So, here’s a photo to prove that I am well and truly getting into the spirit of Work In The Nude Day!

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I saw this on Facebook today and had a great laugh.  I just had to repost it.  If you don’t get it, then you probably didn’t see the eighties …

And here’s a link to the song on Youtube …


P.S.  assume that this image is a screen capture from one of the versions of The Wizard of Oz.  If I have somehow infringed on someone’s copyright (which I doubt due to fair use laws), then a simple email will suffice to have it removed.  No need to revert to nasty legal letters!

P.P.S.  it seems that Toto is popular in comedy online.  This Toto reference is from one of my preferred web comics …

Triumph at last!

Well, it has taken all of four and a half months, but finally my new bike is on the road!  I picked it up from the mechanics last week (where it was getting a service, new tires, heated hand grips, and a gear rack fitted).  It is a Triumph Daytona 955i – 2002 model.  In short this means that it is … uncommon on the roads in Australia, very sexy, and very fast!  It also stops really well and handles like a dream.  Last but not least it has a very comfortable pillion seat!

The very long delay was caused by a problem acquiring some new fairing panels from a Triumph parts supplier in the UK.  International shipping is not a foolproof process.  However, the panels arrived and were fitted (to replace old panels that were damaged by the previous owner).

I found my bike languishing in an insurance assessor’s shed, only lightly damaged and with 30,000 kms on the clock.  Even with repairs it was a bargain for such a good bike.

I took the bike out today with my partner S playing photographer and we did a photo shoot down by the river.  Results below …


So, like to go for a ride on your date?  Fish and chips on the beach, or a spin up the Old Pacific Highway to the Mt White Cafe?  Just drop me an email.


Nipple clamps

Do you like having your nipples squeezed and pulled?  Then chances are that you would enjoy playing with nipple clamps.  Personally I have very sensitive nipples – meaning that strong stimulation just plain hurts!  But this isn’t the case for everyone.  So if you enjoy some nipple play then I highly recommend trying out a set of nipple clamps.

Nipple clamps

Some nipple clamps are spring loaded for easy use. These ones are tightened with a screw. Harder to use, but you can adjust them to just the right tension

This set (pictured right) have soft padded jaws and are tightened with a screw.  This makes it very easy to set exactly the right pressure for your nipples.

As you can see they are joined by a chain.  Once on and tight, the clamps are said to give a slow pulsing sensation that is like pain, but not quite …  I am told that this is very enjoyable and helps to keep you focused and “in the moment” if you are having sex.

The chain adds to the sensation when you are standing up, or on all fours by pulling down on the clamps.  During sex the rhythmic swinging of the chain when on all fours can be very enjoyable!

You can buy nipple clamps at any good sex shop.  If you are shopping for a set then you need to think about the size of your nipples (when they are aroused) and make sure that you get a set that will open wide enough.

There is no need however to stick to purpose made nipple clamps.  I have seen clothes pegs or all sizes and styles used, paper clips, and just about anything you can find that could hold your nipple!  Do be a bit careful though, you don’t want to use anything too sharp that might break the skin, or cut off circulation.

As always be safe and have fun!


Site outage

This is just a quick note to apologise to anyone who tried to access my site yesterday in the afternoon but couldn’t get to it.  The company who hosts my server had a massive power outage that their backup systems didn’t handle.  The result was that the server went down and a failed hard drive prevented it from coming back up when the power was restored.

The server is back for now, but will go down again today (19th of November) for a short while when the hard drive is being replaced.

So, my apology once again for any inconvenience.  As my partner S said to me yesterday “technology is great, until it stops working …”.


Women expect too much from men in bed?

Given my line of work, I really shouldn’t be so surprised to see this article in the Herald today …

We live in a world where men and women seem to be constantly at war over our respective sexualities.  And there is no end in sight.

Articles like the one linked above demonstrate the simplistic views that many people hold.  And then try to foist on the rest of us.

Life is never simple, but if we are prepared to engage with our partner (male or female), understand what they want and need, and put in some effort to give it to them, then we may find that we get more back than we expected.

So lots of women loved Fifty Shades of Grey and it inspired them to start asking their partners for more in the bedroom?  I say that’s a good thing and something to be celebrated, not a cause for complaint.


I have the power …

Everyone who visits me has a mobile (cell) phone.  And if it’s an overnight date, then there will often be much digging around for a recharger, hunting for power points etc.

Well, I can now make packing a little bit easier.  If you own a (pre-iphone 5) iphone I now have an iphone charger!  I also have a charger for phones that take a micro USB connector (basically everything other than an iphone).

So no need to lug your charger around with you.  You can visit knowing that you will head off with your battery fully charged!
