A safe man

I was talking to a client recently and she made the comment that one of my best qualities is that I make her feel safe – and as a precursor to intimacy that feeling safe is, for most women, absolutely necessary.

“Being safe” for my clients has always been a priority since I first started working as a male escort for women back in 2010.

It’s why I offer to meet for coffee or a drink in a public place if you are considering making a booking but want to be sure about me before you book.

It’s why I tell anyone who is at all worried that when they see me, they are in charge, and that at any time they can decide to end the booking and leave (and I won’t expect to be paid).

It’s why I don’t take payment for a booking until the end of our session, so you don’t feel any pressure to continue because you have already paid.

It’s why when I see women who are trying to build or rebuild trust in their bodies and with men as intimate partners, we have talked and worked out rules for everything from simply touching to having sex that put them completely in control. And we have then practiced them taking control, telling me to stop what I’m doing, to start again, or do something different so that they can see that I will do exactly what they ask me to.

It’s also why I won’t ever write a “tell all” autobiography – because regardless of how I might obscure my client’s identities, I know that people would see themselves in anything that I write and I never want to make anyone feel that I have exploited them and their booking with me for profit beyond what they paid me for directly.

I take my responsibility to your safety very seriously and I hope that makes the decision to contact me just a little bit easier.


Sex toy safety

Since we are all in various states of lockdown and sex toys are extremely popular right now, I thought it worth making a quick post about sex toy safety.

I saw this Twitter thread earlier and it’s worth sharing…


What’s the main takeaways?

  • The sex toy industry is unregulated – with all of the horrible implications that has for product safety
  • You get what you pay for! If it’s cheap (with the possible exception of glass, stainless steel, and things on obvious heavy discount) then the toy is probably made from something that you don’t want to put in or on sensitive parts of your body.

Masturbation is good (I have a couple of articles in the works touching on this) and we should all do it. Toys are a fun way to expand that pleasure – but it’s really important to use safe toys!


Drive safe!

It’s that time of year again – the pre-christmas madness has arrived on Sydney’s roads.

This year has been (in my experience) a pretty good year on the road – especially on the motorbike. People have been driving safely, not changing lanes without looking, not running red lights, not using their phones so much. It’s been nice. It’s felt safe(r).

However. With Christmas just around the corner Sydney’s drivers seem to have lost their collective minds. In the last couple of weeks I am seeing:

  • Running of red lights – frequently!
  • Mobile phone use – all the time
  • General impatience, bad driving, and lack of attention – everywhere

I even had a driver sail right through a red light while I was crossing on a green pedestrian light. That was actually scary. They were totally concentrating on something other than the task of driving safely. If I hadn’t been paying attention (as many pedestrians don’t), then I would have been dead and everyone’s Christmas would have been ruined.

So here’s a pre-Christmas message and request to everyone who reads my blog:

Please drive safe! Take your time, don’t rush, plan ahead, and most of all – concentrate. Life is full of distractions, especially at this time of year, so be aware and don’t let them interfere when you are driving.

Say safe everyone, please!
