
I have been a cyclist of varying degrees of fitness for most of my life, but in recent years, I haven’t ridden as much as I would like to.  Other exercise, like Pilates, free weights, walking, and interval sprints have been the norm.

But today I felt like cycling.  So, seizing the moment I donned the appropriate clothing and headed for the garage.  Only to find that some inconsiderate person had managed to steal the frame pump off my bike which was locked up inside my security cage in the garage!  Disappointing doesn’t even begin to describe the feeling.

It is upsetting to have stuff that you have worked hard to buy stolen from you.  But it’s worse having good habits like exercise interrupted.  Things can be replaced, but that ride is lost to me forever.

Thankfully I was able to walk and do some interval sprints instead, so I got my exercise for the day, but I was really looking forward to going for a roll.
