Those of you who have browsed my Links and erotic resources for women page (under the Sexuality menu above) would be familiar with Ms Naughty and her various sex positive porn websites for women.
Ms Naughty is based in Melbourne and has been publishing and now creating erotica specifically for women for a number of years. Some time ago we swapped site links in the spirit of better Google ranking and have been chatting on and off ever since.
I dropped Ms Naughty a line recently and in her reply she mentioned that she is working on shooting an adult movie here in Australia and then asked if I would be interested in working with her. Specifically, putting my body on the line and acting in a shoot for one of her movies.
Firstly let me say thank you Ms Naughty! It’s a real compliment that you feel I have what it takes. We aren’t talking about the poorly directed and shot porn that streams out of the US and Europe in such vast quantities these days, but something more subtle, more sophisticated and hopefully altogether more erotic and arousing. So to be invited to be a part of that is pleasing.
The question now is: should I do it? One concern that springs to mind is that I risk picking up the label of “porn star”. And I don’t know if that sits well with who I am.
My partner S responded by suggesting that I write this blog post and pose the question to you my readers. What do you think? Should I do it? Do you think that it would be a positive thing for me to do, or a negative thing?
I don’t like the idea of “managing” my “image”. In fact I don’t like the idea of having an image full stop, but there are always perceptions. I have worked long and hard to show the world who I am and what I value and I don’t like the idea of having that distorted by a label that may not be accurate.
On the other hand, it is people like Ms Naughty who are out there working hard to change erotica, to make it into something more than the mass porn industry creates. And I firmly believe that is a cause worth supporting …
So I have a dilemma. Do I put my body and reputation on the line, or do I decline the invitation?
What do you think? Would you like to see me in well made erotica?