Pin cushion!

I had my regular check-up with the doctor the other day and after having blood drawn, plus a vaccination booster for Hep A and B I feel like pin cushion!


I don’t much like needles at the best of times, so this was extra unpleasant.

However it’s all for a good cause and ultimately very important that I know that I am safe and that I am not putting my clients at risk.

The nurse who normally take blood at my GP’s clinic was away again (a regular occurance), so the doctor had to take the sample in stead.  I am really pleased to find that his technique has improved dramatically since the last time that I saw him!

The vaccination still stung like blazes though and I still feel like I have been punched in the arm.

Still, modern medicine.  I wouldn’t want to live in a world without.


A new camera

I have put off buying a digital SLR camera for a long time.  The rate of improvement in that technology has been astounding, so I held back to try to let the market mature and settle down a bit.

A week ago I decided that enough was enough.  The focus of my Canon point and shoot A1000 (a fantastic little camera that was very cheap) started playing up.  So I bit the bullet and bought a Canon EOS 550 Digital SLR.  It just arrived today and I have to say that I am very impressed.  I have snapped a few shots with it and the results are great.

This photo was taken on the terrace at home with the fruit trees.  It was never meant to be publish (hence the rough clothes), but I rather like the way it came out, so I thought that I would share it.

More photos to come!  I am looking forward to having a good play with this camera and seeing what it can achieve.  I have been wanting to do another nude shoot for some time and this is the perfect opportunity.



Your pleasure in my hands

Pleasure is ephemeral.

It can come from something as simple as being pampered …

Or sitting back to relax while someone else cooks dinner …

Sharing a drink and conversation …

Talking to someone just for fun …

Or being held just for the joy of feeling someone else’s skin on yours …

Pleasure comes from all sorts of things in life.
