The weather may be weird, but it’s nice to see the sun again!

For those of us living in South Eastern Australia I expect that I speak for you too when I say: how good is it to have sunshine again?!  Even better that it’s not blowing a gale and the rain has finally stopped.  I expect that in a few weeks time – if this trend continues as it’s predicted to – we’ll all be starting to look around and worry about when it’s going to rain again, but for now it’s a wonderful relief.

More seriously though Seasonal Affective Disorder is a real thing.  It results from spending an extended time without enough sunlight, leading to changes in the production of melatonin and serotonin, and also disruption of one’s body clock.

I think it’s fair to say that the winter here in South Eastern Australia in 2024 has been pretty unpleasant by our standards (thank you climate change) and it’s been affecting most people.

However – now we have sunshine and an absolutely stunning Sydney day on the way.  I hope you are enjoying some great weather wherever you are – and if you’re not, then you are always welcome to visit me and we can


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