Please note: I am not a doctor and this post does not constitute medical advice! Please talk to your doctor regarding any decisions to take of not take any medication.
This is a warning for woman who are prescribed the SNRI antidepressant Effexor. One of my clients, a woman 40’s was prescribed Effexor to help manage the symptoms of menopause including hot flushes and mood swings. Her GP didn’t feel that HRT was appropriate, so she prescribed and antidepressant instead.
The manufacturer had studies that showed that it was effective for the symptoms that my client was experiencing. Her GP didn’t tell her what the pottential side effects were.
This client has been seeing me monthly for over eight years now and she never has any trouble reaching orgasm from masturbation or from oral sex. However, within *three days* of starting to take Effexor she lost her ability to reach orgasm through any means!
Now, not everyone responds to a particular drug the same way, so if you are considering taking it then you may not have the same experience. Even if you do find that it has the same effect, it has to be weighed against whatever benefits it may give.
So you need to make the best decision for you and your mental and physical health. I just want women to be aware that this potential side effect exists so that they are not caught out by it unexpectedly and can make better informed health decisions.