The life erotic

The year once more is escaping us and I find that I have been away from my blog for far too long. It is the problem with a busy life that time for writing such as this – with its own importance – can be limited.

I look back now on many years in my profession with more clarity about the world and the human condition, and how I may be of service.

I enjoy my work as a male escort for women more than any other job I have ever had. A statement that at face value (given the assumptions that society makes about men and their appetite for sex) may seem obvious. And it is true that I enjoy sex and the female form deeply. However it goes much further than that.

To the sense of satisfaction that comes from helping a woman, who thought that she could never enjoy intimacy again, to realise that she is still a sexual being, who can enjoy her body and that of a partner. Or for the women who come to me from relationships that, while fulfilling in many ways, lack the joy of sex that makes life so much sweeter to live. Seeing confidence and happiness blossom, fear and pain fade away to be replace by transitory yet lasting pleasure that brings an understanding of self worth.

All of this and more, like the sweetness of a smile when all is done and rest is what is needed, to be held and to hold. No words required.

It comes of course with a cost to me as well. Of time away from home and my partner, of travel in weather as variable as one can expect in these times. But it is a job that I choose to do and while I may take more time for myself one day, it’s not a job that I want to stop doing. As long as I can give something of value then I wish to continue to do so.


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