Yoni massage

If you have spent any time learning about, or in the sex positive community then you have probably come across the term “yoni massage”, but you may not be familiar with what it actually means.

While browsing YouTube recently I watched a video on the topic that I thought was quite a good explanation.

In short yoni massage is the massaging of the area of the mons pubis, inner thighs including vulva and the perineum, and inside the vagina. For a more detailed explanation the video does a great job.

If you are thinking about booking a session with a straight male sex worker like myself, but you aren’t sure if you want to go all the way to having penetrative sex then a yoni massage might be a great middle ground to give you an intense erotic experience without being too challenging!

It can be a very enjoyable form of foreplay or it can be an entire experience in an of itself. It can also be a great starting point for a woman who is a virgin and wants to have sex for the first time (or for the first time in a long while), but would like to build up to the experience of vaginal penetration.


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